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After breakfast with the Malfoy family I quickly got up and started walking to the door while they watched me step out of the Malfoy Manor and close the door behind me. Before leaving the Malfoy Manors territory I take one last look at Draco's room through the window hoping he is standing there, but he's not. Instead it's still empty and lonely.

I start heading towards the forest. The nearest beach I know is like 2 days away if you go by a broomstick or train or maybe even a flying car. I don't have my broomstick so it might take me longer than I expect, and well Draco never actually said what beach the cottage would be at.

5 days later

I feel like I'm lost, like I've been going around in circles over and over again in these woods. I haven't eaten in like 5 days. I'm starving, all I've had is water. I've passed many small ponds but I haven't even spotted any berries. I feel weak but I have to find Draco. I can't imagine what he's going through, I have to tell him I'm okay. I have to see him again.

I start heading north dragging my feet through the dried leaves on the floor, but something catches my attention. I hear voices, they sound familiar. I quickly hide behind a tree and I see two very tall men arguing with each other.

"No Crabbe I think it's the other way! Your gonna get us lost." says Goyle angrily.

"NOO! Lucius said that we should head north and I'm pretty sure we are heading north!" responds Crabbe.

I remember Crabbe and Goyle being one of Draco's best friends but what could they possibly be doing here in the woods? Do they know where Draco is? Is that where they're headed? I get caught up in my thoughts. I don't even notice that Crabbe and Goyle have now spotted me and are standing right in front of me.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" questioned Goyle.

"Glad to know you still remember me." I say sarcastically "I'm looking for Draco, do you guys know where he is?" I ask.

"No, we are also looking for him. Why do you think we're here?" says Crabbe annoyed although I can tell he's not very happy and he doesn't seem like he wants to be here.

"But you guys are his close friends, you should know where he is?" I say raising my voice a bit.

"Well we don't last time we saw him was when he was holding you in his arms and his father telling him that they had to get out." responds Crabbe "But Draco was so angry at whoever killed you he started yelling at the Death Eaters asking for the person who killed you. But everyone thought it was funny and didn't take him seriously."

"His father didn't seem very happy with the fact that he was in love with a Gryffindor and that he was yelling at the Death Eaters." says Goyle.

"Wait I heard you guys mention Lucius sending you guys north. How come?" I asked

"Well Lucius tried to calm Draco down but he didn't listen and when Draco saw everyone laughing at him he took out his wand and killed a Death Eater getting everyone's attention. His father on the other hand wasn't happy with Draco's choices so he threatened Draco saying that if he doesn't leave immediately he will kill his own son." responded Crabbe.

"What why?!" I ask angrily.

"After Voldemort was dead Bellatrix was the next person in charge of the Death Eaters but it seems that she also died so after Bellatrix it was Lucius Malfoy and with all the power he had I guess it just got to his head." responds Crabbe.

"So Draco didn't run away because he wanted to? He ran because his own father threatened him?" I ask.

"Yeah pretty much and now all the Death Eaters are on the search for him. Lucius Malfoy wants him to pay for his actions." says Goyle.

Hearing this from Crabbe and Goyle now makes sense on why Lucius didn't really seem to care about his own son. He only cared when I was about to mention where he could be. Lucius Malfoy wants to kill his own son.

I look at Crabbe and Goyle and notice they both have broomsticks. Maybe if I steal one I can get to the beach faster.

"Hey guys what is that?!" I squeak scared.

I quickly grab my wand and make the forest trees look like some kind of giant heading towards us. Crabbe and Goyle have always been scaredy cats; it's no surprise that they would drop everything and run off, and that's exactly what they did. I quickly grab the broomstick and get on it.

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