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"I've been flying in the air for hours now. I'm starting to lose hope that I'll ever find the beach." I say to myself, but as I say that I notice up ahead there's waves forming and splashing against rocks.

I soon came to a realization that I had arrived at a beach. I glide my way to the ground and hop off my broom. I don't exactly see any sign of a cottage. It's lonely here. there's nothing here but the water washing upon the shore.

"Draco, where can you possibly be? I can't lose you. I just want to see you again." I cry as a few tears escape my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I quickly wipe my tears away and take one last look around the beach just to make sure that I didn't miss anything, but there's nothing.

I get back on my broomstick and fly away. It seems like finding Draco won't be as easy as I thought it might be. As I fly through the sky looking down at the beautiful view I remember my mother, my friends.

"Oh I can't imagine how much pain my mother has been through. First my father dying then losing me." I say and start heading towards the muggle world "If I can't find Draco might as well head home and tell my mother and friends I'm alright."

Luckily the muggle world isn't far from the beach. I glide my ways through the sky. I decided to go visit Ron first because if I head straight home I probably won't ever be allowed to leave the house after that. I spot Ron's house hopefully they still remember me. I land perfectly on the ground and get off my broom stick.

I head towards the door and knock on it two times, but no one seems to open it. As I raise my hand to knock on the door one more time it finally opens and standing right in front of me is Ron. He looks happy to see me with a bit of frightened eyes.

"Isobel? Is that really you?" he asks

"Of course Ronald. Who else could it be." I responded, opening my arms to give him a hug.

He smiles and gives me the biggest hug ever squeezing me a bit too tight. Ron and I weren't really close friends but when we needed each other most we were always there for each other.

"Ron I think you're hugging me a bit too tight." I breathe.

He quickly loosens the hug and leans back to take another look at me like if he can't seem to get through his head that I'm actually standing in front of him. Ron invites me inside and to my surprise Hermione and Harry are also there sitting on the couch.

Without hesitation Hermione gets up and gives me the tightest hug, that I can hardly breathe. "How the bloody hell are you here right now? We thought you were dead?" she says with tears in her eyes as she pulls away from the hug.

"It's hard to explain but I'm here, that's all that matters." I replied smiling as I headed over to Harry and gave him a hug. Out of Ron and Hermione, Harry is the only one that doesn't actually try to kill me with a hug.

"It's nice to see you again" Harry murmured while giving a warm smile "When did you return?" he added.

"Um, like maybe a few weeks ago" I respond

"A few weeks ago? Why didn't you come directly here? What were you doing?" questioned Hermione.

"Well I....I was looking for someone and it was hard finding a ride to get here" I say as I watch Hermoine's expression change from happy to a bit annoyed.

"Who were you looking for?' asked Ron

"Um....Draco..." I mumbled. I can tell from Hermoine's face she still doesn't accept the fact that I dated Draco and that I'm looking for him.

Hermione rolls her eyes and looks at me. "Exactly why?" she questioned "how many times do I have to tell you he's bad news for you, until you get it in your head." she adds.

"Hermione you don't get it he's a good person I know he is" I respond while looking down at my fingers scared to meet her eyes. When Hermione's mad she's scary.

"He's a good person?! Isobel you clearly are blind! Don't you remember he's a Death Eater he chose his side. He's bad for you!" yells Hermione "There can't hardly be good in his heart! He's just like his Father!" she added.

After hearing those words from Hermione I quickly stand up and look at her directly making eye contact. "You don't know nothing about Draco! Yes he's a Death Eater but he's nothing like his father!!" I argue back "Did it ever occur to you that if I knew Draco didn't have any good in him, I wouldn't be wasting my time on him?!" I yell angrily

"Bloody hell Isobel, it's Draco we're talking about here. He's the reason you died, the reason Hogwarts is being rebuilt!!"

"He had no cho-" before I could finish my sentence Hermione interrupted me.


I look at Ron who is looking at the floor not wanting to get involved. I turn back to Hermione and start to cry.

"Do you even hear yourself? I mean come on Hermione, you were the one that made me believe everyone had good in them no matter how evil they are!" I cried "Draco wasn't evil. In fact after the battle I was supposed to run away with him and live in a cottage with him for the rest of our lives!" I added "does that seem evil to you?"

Hermione doesn't respond but just watches me ball my eyes out. "I don't even get a thank you for risking my own life for you. You could have been dead if it weren't for me." I feel Harry's hand rub my back to calm me down. I wipe my tears away and grab my broom.

"It seems like I'm not wanted here? I'll be leaving but please if you guys have any idea where Draco is please inform me" I say as I walk out the door and hop on my brook stick.

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