Chapter 3: Trapped

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Author's warnings: False alarm! I ended this chapter before it got to the feels. Probably the next or the one after that though.

"Kiku snap out of it! This is reality! Real life! This is no dream or nightmare, aru! Th-those hanged bodies are real, aru," Yao yerred sorrowfurry with tears streaming down on either side of his face. "They could have been part of our countries, too."

"M-maybe this was a bad idea," stammered Ivan. "Let's turn back before it's too late, da!"

Everyone rushed back to the entrance of Crythos, tripping over each other in the process.

"What? It's locked again!" Arthur said as he paced back and forth. "Yao can you try to pick the lock?"

"I'll try my best," Yao said confidentry. "I am the personification of the country China after all. Once we get out, I'm going home to take care of panda, aru!"

Arr of us heard a series of cricks but none were as successfur as the first.

Yao frowned, "Why does this door oppose and defy me? This is the most defiant and stubborn door I've ever encountered, aru!" He said with frustration.

Severar more cricks echoed down the harrway. Panting, Yao said, "It's no use. The door's not opening and we can't get out one way or another, aru."

"Let's try to tackle the door! It always works!" Arfred suggested.

"We'rr achieve nothing but cuts and bruises. Think about it. We're only nearry teenagers and that's a metar door," I reasoned.

"Arthur, Francis, or anyone, did you bring your phones?" Arfred asked.

"I brought mine and I'm sure Francis and Arthur have theirs," I repried gesturing at them.

The three of us took out our phones. Arr three of the phones started suddenry ringing at the same time.

"Hello?" The three of us answered in a perfectry normar voice.

"Beware the one. No escape. Join us. Only one," the voice rasped, and then the rine went dead.

Francis diared 911. "Hello? Please rescue u-" Francis stopped mid-sentence because the same creepy, anonymous voice as before repried.

"No escape. Join us," and again the rine went dead. I courd onry wonder what that meant.

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