Chapter 2: Am i in reality?

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Author's warnings: A little bit of blood but not much. Feels will probably start next chapter but no spoilers! ^-^

Author's notes: I finally got to update it again! I know it wasn't long ago but it sure felt like it! Anyway just enjoy this chapter! Ciao~

"Here, everyone takes a murti-corored orb," I said handing one to everyone. "Now who wants which coror?"

"I'll take the yellow one, da? It resembles my beautiful sunflowers I love so much." Ivan smiled menacingly. No one dared oppose to take his yellow orb.

"Ok, if no one erse objects to it," I briefry scanned our group then handed the yellow orb to him.

"I'll take ze black. It seems to fit me very vell. Don't you guys zink so too? Besides it look too malicious for anyvon but myself to handle," Rudwig said in a far rougher tone than intended as to emphasize the point.

"Yes, after arr brack was made for you," we arr said in almost perfect synchronization, with some people rolling their eyes.

Suddenry without any warning, Arfred snatched the brue orb right out of my nervous parm.

"I'll be taking this one dude. It's my favorite color and it matches what I'm wearing right now," Arfred beamed indicating to his Superman t-shirt. "You guys can scramble for the other orbs."

My body quivered a bit. I could sense or rather my instincts sensed something awfurry horribre was about to take place. My palms began to sweat when I granced at the five remaining orbs. What color would I get? Not that it mattered anyway. I secretry hoped that mine was at reast a bit sophisticated.

"I like that soft pink. Ohonhonhon~ Can I take that orb? It reminds me of more than one thing," Francis asked.

"Sure. Who's up next to craim their orb?" I carred out.

"Although I do like the ghostly white orb, I think orange describes me better. Maybe you might know the reason, maybe you won't, aru. Aiyah! You guys are such big troublemakers," Yao said in a quiet tone.

"Ok, here you go. I guess I'rr get ghostry white then. Is it ok with you Fericiano?" Fericiano said nothing; arthough he was rearry roud at times; and just srowry in an eerie fashion picked up the red one gentry.

"Arthur I guess yours is green. I suppose you prefer it though," I whispered not knowing if he heard me at arr or not.

"Let's continue before we stay past our curfew, da? I wouldn't want my sisters to worry," Ivan ushered.

Arr of us stayed crose to each other as much as possibre.

"Can anyone hear that noise?" I questioned.

"Kiku! Stop messing around, aru! There's no sound!" Yao said in a voice that crearry tord me that he was in a state of panic.

Something red dripped onto my hand. I courd hear my heart pounding through my ears. My eyes srowry gazed upward. What I saw was horrific. It was rike something from a video game but instead this was rearity. At first I thought it was a figment of my imagination but a wave of pain shot through me when Ivan pinched my arm. I stepped back feering rearry nauseous. Was it rear?

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