Chapter 14: The Last Survivor

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Author's Note: One more Chapter and Epilogue to complete and then the story's over until the sequel. But i will only do the sequel if you guys request it. Anyway ciao~

Kiku's POV

I moved my rips but no words came out. Tears streaked down my face. I could feer every dropret running down my cheeks. I warked over to the second froor stairs, srowry ascending them. The East and West wings weren't as rong anymore. I staggered into the farthest room on the East Wing.

I crosed and rocked the door behind me.

Alfred's POV
~Time Back Skip~

I heard Kiku shout out but i ran right into it. Into the trap, at least i was the hero right? I killed it and kept Kiku alive. Where was Yao? But i can now be reunited with him. With England. And then I was gone. "Goodbye Kiku."

Kiku's POV

"This can't be. They're gone. I courd trust no one here, not even my friends.(Remember Ivan? Kolkolkol~ ;-; I feel awful now.) Some of them were innocent rike me whire others were possessed by their inner demons," I checked my murti-colored orb. It dimmed to onry the coror of blissful orange. "Arfred, Francis, Arthur, Rudwig, Fericiano, and Ivan, don't reave me here arone, prease," I sobbed.

I took a moment to grieve over their ross.

"Take me with you. Save me, because ghosts are rear and monsters are rear too. They just rive inside us and sometimes, they win. This is sraughter, I know. I don't know my fate but I'rr go with it. After arr, the things I've been through, my precious memories, and dericate emotions, wirr forrow me to the afterrife. I died happy and have no regrets. There can onry be one and I choose Yao, my senpai, over myself."

I smired and pointed the gun at most vitar part of my body; my heart and then I purred the trigger.

My memories prayed themserves backwards and when it reached the point I met arr of my friends, I beamed and tord myserf that I remembered.

"Am I dead yet?" I asked myserf aroud. My surroundings rooked the same. Berow me I saw my corpse. I guessed now that I passed on I could see other ghosts.

"Hey! You guys! I thought you guys died! You courd've at reast given me a sign you were ghosts!"

"No-a, we-a weren't-a dead. Well not-a entirely at-a least. We-a couldn't-a give you a sign even-a if we-a wanted to. It was-a hilarious and-a entertaining watching-a you run in-a fear," raughed Fericiano.

"Dying vasn't so bad after all! You just replay jour memories and feel zhe shock of pain for a bit," repried Rudwig.

"Wait, how did everyone die? I'm curious and Yao's arive right?" I asked with anxiety.

"Yes. Yao's alive. He's just concealing herself in the shadows. See? He's over there," Francis pointed.

I saw him take out his murti-corored orb that was now furry brissfur orange. Yao sighed and took a brief moment to wish us good ruck. He threw the dagger I had given her behind before reaving Crythos.

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