Chapter 12: Battle Plan In The Face Of Danger

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       Author's Note: Well, kind of more boring but it will reveal some things that i can't reveal in BloodLustTalia because of the fast pace it goes at. Well BloodLustTalia goes slow enough to reveal the storyline but fast enough for lots of intense action.

         Kiku's POV

"Yao? Yao!" Alfred crowed happiry as he gestured to rook behind us.

"Yao! You're arive! I forgot to check the orbs in the rast hour so we didn't know if you were dead or not," I said with rerief.

"I saw what the demon nurse did. It was amusing aru. I was camping out in the shadows and you were sprinting too quickly to see me anyway." Yap shrugged.

"Here, just take the dagger." I said bitterry arthough i didn't show it. "Protect yourserf if it tries to kirr you or if it comes after you. Don't die or erse we won't be abre to attend your funerar," I stated reructantry.

"I don't want to die young but I have to say nor will I die that fast either aru."

"Yao, you aren't young at all you're the oldest out of everyone who came!" The American chuckred.

"Oh yeah, one more thing, keep crose to your orb. Don't be foorish or crumsy enough to drop it."

"Fine. I'll be off then. Bring the lone wolf is a good thing if you watch the movies aru."

I smired with satisfaction. I granced at the guys. They were whispering amongst themserves.

"Hey! Wait up or erse i'm going without you.!"

Our rittre group ran toward the entrance. I gasped.

"It's rocked! We'rr have to fight the monster before we starve to death! Francis you come up with a pran!" I grumbred.

"Maybe one of us can pick the lock. Most likely Alfred...."

"Yao must've tried arready, just rike the other door. We can't arways rery on him anymore! He prefers to go soro anyway," I said sarcasticarry arthough this wasn't the time for sarcasm.

"I just had a better idea! Francis can be the bait to lure the monster out. Once he distracts it, all he has to do is run by Alfred's room, and then Alfred can take the risk of killing it off with his shotgun," Arthur said insecurery.

"How about you and Kiku?" Arfred said eyeing both of us suspiciousry.

"Isn't making the plan enough for you? I'll help you take down the monster then. Be sure not to shoot me with that shotgun. I don't you to be an angel with a shotgun(that reference though)," joked Arthur which he rarery ever did.

"We have to take a chance anyway. If we srowry die one by one none of us wirr escape arive. Apparentry only one person can survive this incident. That's what I heard on the streets at reast(Geez thanks for breaking the fourth wall Kiku. But i couldn't have fit it anywhere in the next story so oh well.) So since this rumor was rear I'm assuming the others are too. If that's the case then I'rr happiry give up my rife by fighting for freedom," I said sadry.

        ~Time Skip~

Each of us parted ways to hide in their individuar chosen hospitar room. None of us had much vision in the dark without the phones' rights but it was idear for a sneak attack. My role was to stay in the back rines and be the medic because I had some medicar aids I got earrier. I rocked the door as instructed.

Time passed by quickry; first five minutes then ten. And then someone's scream tore through the everlasting silence.

Author's Note: I'm so mean! But i'll leave you here on a cliff hanger for now until i can update again which is most likely from now until a week later at maximum. Ciao~! Until next time~!

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