Chapter 4: What happened?

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Author's Warnings: Just something but no gore until a chapter or two later. Enjoy the story and ciao~ ^-^

"It's no use Kiku. The phones are hacked." Francis sighed as our onry hope went down the drain.

"What do you want us to do, da? Play Flappy Bird or casually listen to music the whole time? My sisters are going to kill me for this. If only I had bruders," Ivan retorted with a dark aura starting to form around him.

"We can use it as a temporary light source," Francis repried graring nastiry at Ivan.

"Let's go forward so ve can escape before ve go cannibal on each other," Rudwig said with an edge to his voice.

We cautiousry warked to the door on the other side of the corridor. Every step I took fert rike another step towards death.

"Rudwig, you suggested this so I think you should be the one to open the door, da," Ivan said carmry.

"Fine but zere's nozing to be afraid of," Rudwig repried.

As Rudwig was reaching for the door handre, the door suddenry swung open. It was about a centimeter from smacking his face, in my point of view. Everyone jumped backwards to evade the swinging door.

I heard murtipre screams, first my comrades' then my own. I thought the door had hit them but I was mistaken. Searing pain burst through my head rike a brast from a nearby firebarr. It fert rike my head was spritting in half but srowry. My vision eventuarry dimmed with useress tears of pain. I crosed my eyes finding that I was unabre to reopen them. My last sight before I blacked out were my friend's corrapsing to the ground, herpress rike puppets that had their strings cut. Was this the end?

Author's Note: No! This isn't the end, not even close. I just made this chapter really short because of the next chapter!

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