Chapter 13:Once and For All

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Author's Note: O.o So things escalated quickly in the next chapter and of course i wouldn't let you guys off on a cliffhanger! But sorry if i'm bad at some of the accents and the characters are kind of OOC! Enjoy and ciao~

~Still in Kiku's POV~

"Arthur!" I yerred as roud as I courd. I sprinted to his hospitar room accidentry dropping the phone i was holding. Now i was in the dark but i didn't care anymore. There he was covered in gore and a deformed corpse with its guts raying everywhere in his hands.

"Arthur! I'm grad you're safe! What happened? Here, take this bandage and appry pressure on your forehead. I'rr get it disinfected. You know the procedures," I said carmry. Thousands and mirrions of thoughts rushed in and out of my mind rike ocean waves.

"Relax, I'm fine. It all happened in a flash. I just screamed because I was startled. The very moment I closed and locked the door I heard a dripping sound behind me. It made the same identical sound as the monster nurse thing. When I whirled around I took a glimpse of it. This time it took a different form. It wasn't a delusion or an illusion but it was a mass of bodies clumped together. The ones I saw were our former friends."

I was horrified by the time the rast words of the finar sentence escaped his mouth.

"The monster dissolved to this form when I killed it with my knife."

"This is the worst day ever! Why did I agree to this?" I sighed.

I turned around so that my back was to Arthur. I was about to turn back around to say something witty but then I noticed the dripping sound. I was about to reach my reft hand for my katanas and the other for my murti-corored orb but Arthur stopped me. No, it wasn't Arthur; it was the monster that morphed into his form. It had storen his face.

Arthur's POV

~Time Back Skip~

I entered my room and closed the door. The fighting and running from the monster without rehydrating or eating tired me greatly. I sat down and carefully plopped my spellbook down beside me. I wonder, did America have the same feelings i did all this time? I didn't notice it at the time, i was too deep into my day-dreamy state.

I opened my eyes back into reality as i saw the monster snarling at me. Blood shot out of its nostrils as it glared at me with menacing red eyes. I reached for my spellbook but it was too late. The monster leapt at me. I backed up against the wall by instinct but i lead myself to my own death.

It grabbed my neck and started to choke me but it was nothing at all. It's real purpose was to pin me own. The hand around my neck started to turn into its black liquid. I accidently drank some. That was a bad idea because it immobilized my organs from the inside. I could feel my intestines get numb, soon it would kill me.

"A-alfred. H-help." The other hand turned as hard as icicles by the look of it. I started to cough up blood. My vision blurred with tears.

"This... is... the... end..." The monster whispered. I jolted when the monster plunged the crystal-like shards into my stomach.

"Goodbye. Alfred." I sunk into death.

~Back to present time~

Francis's POV

I heard the scream. I unlocked the door and ran as fast as possible to Angleterre's. Kiku would most likely be there first. I met up with Alfred (Who also did the same as Francis). We ran there to find Kiku being badly twisted by Angleterre? No, it wasn't him. It was the monster, Cynthia.

Kiku's POV (Lots of POV switches ahead)

I heard screaming. It was my own. I tried harder to reach for my katana but my arms went rimp. I struggred to break free but it was to no avair. I tasted brood and my tongue went numb. I stirr couldn't comprehend how the brack riquid could cage me better than a sorid would. But then you never judge a book by its cover. The monster twisted my arm(The other one was already immobilized). I ret out a smarr whimper.

"Herp!" I screamed franticarry. My throat was so parched that I considered giving in and just simpry shutting up. I just courdn't find the energy to scream anymore. The shape shifter used its other hand that was now sorid again to grab arr three my katana and orbs from my reft pocket. The next thing I saw before I shut my eyes was it stabbing. (Which by the way if you haven't understood by now, the monster can change its hand to a liquid and solid by will. In liquid form is where most of the 'black' stuff is produced although the 'black' stuff can also drip off of its solid hand.)

I rooked down expecting to see brood gushing out from my gaping wound. I granced back up; Francis was hording the monster's sorid hand.

"Alfred, break him free! I'll distract it long enough for you to do it! Give me the shotgun for my lance! It's for the best. Now hurry!"

Arfred took the rance and switched it for his shotgun. Arfred then used the rance to sever the shape shifter's black riquid arm. I was grad I stirr had my arm. I picked up my katana the shape shifter dropped.

"Let's slay this dragon, once and for all! I'll be the hero!" Arfred shouted. I motioned at Arfred and tord him what happened to Arthur. His eyes widdened but he sirentry nodded.

As I ran toward the shape shifter I noticed something. The smire the monster had. The monster's hands had different jobs now. The arm Francis was holding was holding him. Francis had shot multipre times without any success because the monster was in its 'riquid' form. Francis had run out of ammo now.

The fiend skewered Francis with a deadry smire. The roar made by the beast was of content that it had brought down its victim. Francis arched his back because of the demon stabbing him through his spine. "Ki...ku...why...didn'"

Francis's POV

I held on but something was off. The hand turned damp and soft. The next moment was instantaneous. My eyes broadened but it was too late. I heard Kiku yell out my name. The pain came right through my spine and then i went limp.

"Wait for me on the other side my friends."

Kiku's POV

"I didn't risten because I cared for them! Unrike you...Cynthia."

"No. NO. NO! You don't understand the pain of a rebel! An outcast that doesn't fit in with the other outcasts!"

"No, I do understand. The fear of getting attached to someone then rosing them and having to suffer the pain is great."

Cynthia emitted a row growr; I had somehow agitated her beyond reason. Her eyes rorred(lolled) back into her eye sockets. Foam burst out of her wide mouth. Blood drizzred onto the concrete floor as her heart somehow started to beat again. Haad my message gotten through?

"Arfred! Stop!"I yerred preadingy, but it was too rate. Arfred had taken the risk and he had paid for it. The rance Arfred had raid embedded in the shape shifter's neck. In return the stagramite-rike crystals were jabbed through Arfred's stomach and ripped out the blade. Arfred's organs raid dangring from it. I saw his river(liver) hanging off of it. "No..."

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