chapter three

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Author's Note:

What's good weirdos?

I didn't edit this 🤑

I am absolutely loving this book so far, so I hope everyone feels the same.

Genesis's POV:

"Hi?" I said in a similar tone to a question and tensed my shoulders.

"No, no, no....Not 'hi' why are you in my room?!?" He retorted.

Could've made a little bit of small talk with me.

It's totally not like I'm a random stranger showing up in your bedroom.

I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out, so I just sort of...sat there with my mouth open not uttering a word. I closed my mouth and pressed my lips into a firm line. My eyes shifted around the room as I tried to think of what to say.

"So she says hi and then goes mute?" He raised a brow at me and crossed his arms across his chest. His demeanor had changed from frightened to confused and hints of anger. His expression read as if his face was blatantly stating 'are you dumb?'.

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I tried to put together all of my thoughts into at least one simple sentence.

How do you explain something like this?

I could say I was running away from someone and ended up in his house?

As I was about to use the excuse I had just come up with, my vision drifted upwards. My stare set on the small hole that was now embedded into the boy's ceiling.

But that doesn't explain the gaping hole that's now in his roof.

Damn it.

Maybe...I fell out of a plane?

Wow, Genesis how about you actually use your brain instead of coming up with useless ideas.

I mean it would explain the suitcase.

Before I knew it, I had finally said something to fill the silence, "T-the portal..." I mumbled.

"Portal? Dude, are you high or something?" He squinted at me.

I raised my eyebrows and looked down at the ground. I lifted my arm and pointed at the hole on the gate above me, "The portal," I repeated, my gaze continually focused on the ground.

"What in the hell?" He looked up at it in utter awe.

(a/n: ahaha see what I did there-)

I tried to hold back a sharp laugh that attempted to rush out of my mouth at the reference of the word "hell." The irony of the situation made it difficult not to chuckle. I harshly blinked in order to regain my composure.

His jaw hung open in shock and his eyes shifted from the opening to me and back to the opening. He was simply speechless in the moment.

"Yeah..." He took a deep breath, "You're going to need to explain a lot more than just saying 'the portal' and pointing to a hole that just is now magically in my ceiling, which you are definitely paying for by the way."

"That's not exactly fixable," I muttered.

"Who are you, why are you in my room, and what are you talking about?" He gawked.

"Alright," I sighed. There was no way out of this, I would have to explain. I calmed all of my previous nerves and went back to my collected self.

I extended my arm and pointed out my index finger towards the door next to him. I sharply moved my finger, sending a precise gust of wind that closed the door perfectly, "Lock that door," I added.

I probably shouldn't have done that since I have limited magic energy on Earth-

He didn't do as I said. Instead, he sat there with a shocked expression. He looked at me in utter confusion and hints of fear.

"What?" I asked in confusion. I wasn't sure why he was acting so strange.

He didn't respond.

I sighed and walked over to the door and turned the lock. He jolted away as I got closer and his breathing got heavy.

Why is he afraid?

It was that moment that it hit me, humans didn't have magic. Watching me use even the simplest form of magic, moving air, must've been the most world shattering and perplexing experience for him.

"Oh..." I muttered and looked down at the floor, "I need to explain a lot to you..." I muttered.

He continued to look at me with concern as I spoke. His eyes were so wide it looked as if you glued the tips of his eyelashes to his face.

"Could you just...calm down and listen, maybe sit down?" I suggested.

He slowly nodded and sat down at his desk. I believe his cooperation was solely out of fear.

" that," I gestured towards the portal, "Is a gateway that I just came out of," I paused, "From, erm....Hell," I mumbled the word 'hell', "It appeared in your room for some reason and-"

"So you're trying to tell me right now that you came from hell out of a hole in my ceiling?" He cut me off and looked at me as if I was insane.

Granted, the idea sounded blasphemous. This kind of stuff doesn't just happen in a normal person's life.

"Yeah.." I said hesitantly and nodded lightly.

"So what the fuck are you...some sort of demon?" He said sarcastically.

"Yeah that'd be correct," I answered.

He looked taken aback from the statement and shut his eyes, "So you're trying to tell me you are a demon in my house. See I thought you were high, but I'm starting to think I must be high because I swear you magically closed my door, and I think I might believe that you're a demon."

"Well, it's the truth," I gave an awkward smile.

"Oh of course you have fangs. The demon in my room has fangs," He was speaking in a mocking tone as if he was in disbelief of what he had just witnessed. I didn't really understand why he was so shocked about my teeth. The canines were barely sharper than a human's, but I guess it was just the shock factor of all of the things that had happened put together.

"I have to tell my friends how bad I'm tripping right now..." He mumbled, "But I didn't even do anything that would make me high. I don't get it," He slid his hand into his pocket and started to pull out what looked like a phone.

I grabbed his wrist before he could take it all the way out, "You're not on drugs or imagining this," I tried to clarify, "My name is Genesis and I'm a noble demon from Hell. I just came through the gate that opened on your ceiling. That suitcase over there is all of my belongings that I brought with me. So how about instead of trying to deny it you introduce yourself to me."

"I-I'm Payton," His face relaxed, "Payton Moormeier."

Word count: 1230

Author's Note:

Gotta love me and my cliffhangers.

I hope you like the chapter even though it prolly has 893204823904 errors-

Question of the day:

Who's your idol?

My idol is actually this Youtuber named Kassie, her channel name is Gloom. She's so smart and funny, and she plays a bunch of games that I really enjoy and her channel is overall fun to watch. She's also gorgeous and positive!


Later Losers🦑

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