coffee dates and cinnamon swirls

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I went to my room in a flurry.
With how everything went down yesterday, coffee was the last thing on my mind. I mean yes it was a good morning starter but I barely even slept last night.
Thinking of Elijah and how great he looked this early in the morning panic began to circulate through my body. Checking the time it read 9:45pm
I didn't want to keep him waiting but being too eager didn't seem as  appealing to me.

What the hell; it was the 21st century. As a young woman I could take the initiative anyway.
With that out the way I jogged to my unpacked hot pink suitcase to look for something to wear. I should have thought about this yesterday but was too lazy and tired . When it came to planning things for myself, I was the worst. It's a wonder I got through high school, I couldn't even remember to pack my PE kit and school bag the day before when I was fifteen.
Realization hit me that I might smell. I was sitting next to Harry for goodness sake. I lifted my armpits and took a whiff only to be met by my soap and glory shower cream.
It was still quite cold outside so I went for a wrapped up but classy look, choosing my high waisted denim jeans, a white dress shirt, camel wrap and white pumps.
It all seemed a bit much but I wanted to make an effort. Hair still in the silk wrap I left it in , I walked to my dresser to remove it and reveal my straight bun.
That was okay. Wasn't it.
I looked like I made an effort but not too much of one because I had simple hair and a natural face. I made a silent prayer to Jesus that Elijah would get the idea I was trying to portray.

Okay now all I needed was my bag and to walk out my room without tripping over my feet, and that was easier said than done. To me walking with a guy I like required extra precision and concentration.
It was like the universe was just out to embarrass me.
When I was nine, my cousin told me it was the bad luck I had built up because I touched one of my Grans knees and not both.

She was crazy superstitious.

Focusing on today I grabbed my bag of the floor where I discarded it yesterday and walked bag into the passage where both boys stood with their hands in their pockets.
"I'm ready" I spoke stepping closer Elijah.
He smiled "You look really got Katrinna"
I looked him up and down to evaluate what he was wearing.
Dressed in beige chinos, a white collared shirt and black Doc martins, our outfits complimented each other.

To top it of he smelt faintly of old spice and aftershave. Just how I liked it; manly but not impulsive.

Elijah smiled again then turned to leave not before Harry interrupted again
"Don't forget we have training today Elijah.
So don't take to long"
The boys exchanged looks and with that we stepped into the chilly british morning.

Elijah led the way as I wasn't from this area and knew of nowhere.
All I knew was that the apartment was located near town so we obviously were going to walk to wherever we were going.
I fell into the same strides as Elijah though briskly power walking as his strides were very long.
Damn you legs.
I wouldn't say I had short legs, pretty long but I still ended up being very slow.
I was 5'5 but I swear that didn't affect anything.
That was pretty average for girls. 

Trying to keep up with him my left leg had a spaz attack and I tripped over myself.
Elijah held on to my arm to steady me.
"Woah there tiger.
Am I going a little too fast?"
Christ have mercy, of all times my feet could fail me.

Feeling Embarrassed I laughed then turned to the side to curse underneath my breath.

This was not a good start.

I could now see we had left all the apartments and had reached the start of some shops.

Not far long to go I would think I decided to break the ice first.

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