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Hi! Refresher: If something is italisized and on the right side of the page, that means it's a flashback of the past. If it's plain and toward the left side, it's the present.

This is mainly for those who have read "Serendipity" and if you have you will definitely feel some major deja vu

Enjoy 🤷🏻‍♀️?

"Hey. Watch where you're going, would you?"

I lifted my head, face to face with another student after bumping into them. Her hair was a pretty shade of pink and she looked somewhat... familiar? How have I never thought this? Could she be new, or have I just not noticed her before? That wouldn't be too much of a surprise. I don't pay attention to others often anyways.

"You going to answer that?"

"I'm sorry." Too focused on where I might've recognized her from, I snapped out of my daze and bow my head out of embarrassment. "I'll be more careful."

She merely nodded and made her way past me. My eyes followed her trail unconsciously as she walked further away until I felt a buzz in my pocket. Now I understand that must be what she was referring to.

I laughed in defeat. Happy memories forced their way into my mind. Did she still think of those memories?

We met eyes seconds ago. Of course I noticed. Was it a coincidence? Did she recognize me? Has she been looking?

Does it even mean anything if she was?

Would it be wrong to hope that she did? Wrong to say one look in my direction still makes my heart flutter?

"It feels wrong... "

"Look, I'm trying to talk to you calmly, but if we can't do that then I'll just go change." Ryujin tried to leave and I didn't understand why.

How did she have the nerve to? She was avoiding me, not the other way around. It didn't make any sense. Actually, as of late, SHE wasn't making any sense.

"Why do you keep walking away!?" I shouted, somehow expecting her to stop. The instant I caught up with her, she did, and faced me with an expression that seemed to mirror mine.

"Why are you so bothered??"

"Because I care. Who treats their friends this way?!"

"As if you'd actually understand."

"Damn right, I won't. Not if you don't tell me anything."

"I know." Suddenly, Ryujin avoided eye contact. Why was she acting this way? Wouldn't it have been easier if she just admitted the problem?

"Yeddeong, can we please not argue..."

"I'm sorry." The sound of her voice broke my heart, and the use of a nickname she gave me all those years ago made my heart sink in my chest. I didn't have the energy to yell anymore. Shouting my feelings wasn't helping the situation, anyway. "I just wanted answers."

"I get it. I just- I need to tell you when I'm ready."

"Does that mean you'll ignore me until you are? What did I do?"

Happier: Serendipity Book 2 (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now