Crying in the Club

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First two chapters were told in Yeji's POV. Don't know why past me decided that but now it's time to be omniscient again

Yeji woke up in her room, vision a bit blurry. She hadn't remembered getting into bed, wondered if Chaeryeong put her there. She assumed she must have had cried a lot because her eyes burned the second they opened. And, as much as she wished she could go back to sleep to avoid the painful sensation, her body refused.

Eventually, Yeji slid out from under the sheets. She smelled something cooking, curious to what it might be. The smell was familiar. Yes, Chaeryeong could cook. Well, if she may add. But it didn't smell like something she would normally make.

Yeji woke up with her nose twitching. She smelled food cooking and looked around the room, brain slowly waking up. She quickly noticed it was dark out, leaving little light in the room.

She walked toward the smell, searching for another. Turns out the girl she was looking for is in the kitchen cooking, which would also explain the pleasant aroma flooding her senses.

"That smells really good." Yeji walked up behind Ryujin, back hugging her once she was close enough. Regardless of how things have been as of late, Ryujin made her feel warm, made her feel at ease.

"Does it?" Ryujin enjoyed the affection, Yeji's head resting on her shoulder and her arms around her waist. It was comforting, a feeling she hoped never ended. Still, she sniffed the air to try and catch a scent of the smell. "I burnt it the first time, so my nose is still numb."


Ryujin hummed as to answer Yeji's question, a laugh following afterward by the both of them. Yeji finally let go, stepping to the side and leaning against the counter. "But you woke up on time."

"Screw you, Shin. Get out of my head." Yeji gently massaged her eyes and inhaled deeply as she wrapped a blanket around her for warmth and found her slippers. She doubted Ryujin's brain forced her to recall the memories they made together.

Out of her room, she heard some chatter. Her brain absent enough to fail matching each voice to a face. One thing was for sure, though. Chaeryeong had someone over. Yeji blinked several times, the current lighting making it more uncomfortable to keep her eyes open.

"Oh, hey. We were hoping you wouldn't sleep all day."

"We?" She questioned her roommate, the lights still viciously blinding her view, taking time to adjust to her surroundings.

"Yes, we. It's about time I got invited over."

"Mom?" Yeji's limbs stiffened as she heard the voice, and she was finally able to see the woman walking out of the kitchen towards her. "What are you doing here?"

"You'd be surprised how hard it is to get a dinner invite from your own daughter." Her mother welcomed her with a tender hug, and of course, Yeji hugged her back but, as bad as it sounds, she didn't want her mom here. Not in her home. She didn't wish for Mama Hwang to see her like this, all messed up over a relationship, broken over someone who left her for someone else. "Someone told me you weren't feeling well."

Yeji's attention snapped toward her friend. "You told my mom???"

"You never invite her over, so yeah." Chaeryeong shrugged and resumed whatever she was doing in the kitchen. Yeji couldn't really see what she was up to. "I invited her and she offered to cook."

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