Is There Somewhere

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back to the present

The cat-eyed girl is currently with the individual she agreed to meet the night her friends Hyunjin, Jiu, and Yuna came to visit her. When they texted her, a curve immediately formed on her lips. It was as if that night was to show her who she still had, even if she no longer had Ryujin. She was reminded of the friends that stuck by her, even if she no longer had Lia.

"I heard you ran into Yeonjun yesterday." Her cousin, Hyunjin, put some bills into the machine in front of him. When he offered to take her out, he thought he could take her to an arcade, the place they would beg their parents to go to whenever he came down to visit for a few days when they were kids after Yeji first moved here. "He was telling me that he still felt terrible about what happened before."

"I could tell. He even offered to pay for my groceries since I couldn't find my card." She chuckled. "Thankfully, he didn't have his wallet with him."

The cousins laughed together as they walked around aimlessly, scanning their options. They bickered a little about what they should and shouldn't play yet, or if they should just jump from one game to the next since he didn't have to work for another few hours.

"He's hoping someday you'll consider him a friend." Hyunjin randomly mentioned as he placed the coins into the machine, proceeding to press start right after so they can play. "I'm not sure why he wanted me to tell you that, though."

"Friends, you said?" She stared at the game screen, but the instant she went to start pressing buttons, the word triggered a memory that distracted her from what they were doing.

"Ryu Jin! Ryu Jin! Ryu Jin!" A twelve-year-old Yeji thrust her fists in the air, pumping them in an upward and downward motion while her best friend practiced for the sport she wished to play once they reached high school.

As Yeji cheered, an eleven-year-old Ryujin repeatedly practiced perfecting her swing, aiming it at the goal. When she managed to make the shot, she threw her hands up in the air, holding her stick proudly, showcasing her happiness. After scoring, she smiled at her friend. "Yeddeong, you don't have to chant my name while I practice."

"But I want to be your cheerleader." Yeji pouted like a puppy, her cat eyes shimmering in the sunlight.

Ryujin looked away, feeling a tingle in her stomach and got nervous from the sight in front of her. She loved that the girl did this, never once hating all the attention she received. The thought of having Yeji cheer her on in the future excited her, though she would never admit that, so she huffed. "I- I don't need a cheerleader. Hmph!"

"That's too bad!"

Yeji stole the crosse stick from her blushing friend and ran off into the field. The younger girl chased after her, yelling to give it back, but it hadn't worked out in her favor as Yeji kept running in circles. The moment she caught up to her, Yeji was tackled abruptly to the ground, now being tickled to death, which didn't last very long as Ryujin eventually gave in when Yeji pleaded for her to stop.

Once released from Ryujin's hold, both now with their backs against the grass, they made eye contact and burst into laughter. When their bellyaching laughs had stopped, Yeji sighed happily.


Ryujin leaned on her side, arm propped to hold up her head. "Hm?"

"Promise me we'll always be friends."

"Yeji?" He waved his hand in front of her face. He was so into the game he hadn't noticed she seemed to be in her own little world. "You alright? Quit spacing out on me. It makes winning to you feel less victorious."

Happier: Serendipity Book 2 (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now