Call You Mine

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The cat-eyed girl gazed at the necklace draped against her palm and entangled between her fingers, thinking that the more she stared at it, the more she'd believe it was actually there. It seemed almost unreal, but there was no denying it was the real deal as she fidgeted with the jewelry. She teared up a bit when she allowed the ring to slip halfway down her finger, forgetting what it felt like until now.

Needless to say, she was beyond confused.

There were a lot of questions, as usual, running through her mind. It's been this way for a few days now, and still, she hasn't felt bold enough to approach her ex about it. Perhaps it was because she knew she willingly took the necklace with her when she could've given it back to its rightful owner. However, it was like a constant reminder that she needed, proof that her ex-fiance, Shin Ryujin, was still in love with her.

So that begged the biggest question ever... Why? Why break up with someone she loves? Why cheat on someone she loves? Why hurt someone she loves?

She recalled the night of their breakup, the time where Ryujin never answered her. It was heartbreaking, of course, to not get a response, but if the younger still had the necklace on all this time, then the answer was painfully obvious yet outrageously confusing. Her ex made it clear numerous times how much the necklace meant to her.

"Isn't she with Lia? Why wear it?"

Out of the two times she's seen the so-called couple as of recent, she can confidently say that she never witnessed them act, in any way, like an actual couple. She never saw them hold hands, look at each other like they were their one and only, etc. In fact, from the glimpses she got of them, it was nothing like when she and Ryujin were together. But then again, it's not like she was staring at them the entire time she was around them. Also, as mentioned, she's only seen them around one another twice since their separation. Therefore, she can't accurately claim that they were never couple-like.

"If only this meant I could still call you mine."

Nonetheless, it was an interesting thought. Any conclusion she could draw up about it, accurate or not, was something she'll find entertaining someday. No matter the answer, no matter how much she still loves Ryujin, no matter how much Ryujin still loves her, this didn't fix anything.

"But it doesn't... This doesn't change what you did to me."

Now that it's been months since the breakup, Yeji feels rational enough to not let her feelings get in the way. She convinced herself that, regardless, Ryujin was unfaithful to her. As much as her heart would love to bask in the idea of fixing their past relationship, her mind said otherwise.

Yeji stood up from her bed and set the necklace in a small box, one where she kept the engagement ring, something she hasn't been able to let go of yet either. She didn't have the time to sit around and think all day, not when a close friend of hers was finally graduating high school. She had to get her mind out of the dumps and back into reality, put on her happy face, and go cheer her young friend on as she walks the stage and gets her diploma.


At the sound of her name being called, she quickly capped the box and put it back in her drawer. The last thing she needed right now was Chaeryeong bombarding her with questions about how she suddenly had that ring and necklace when she didn't before. She hadn't told any of her friends that she encountered her ex there at that cafe that day, and she planned to keep it that way. She didn't find it necessary, anyway.

Chaeryeong poked her head past the door. "Got everything?"

"Yeah, I'm all set..." She sighed as she shut the drawer. "Let's go."

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