I Have Questions

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*last night*

'Who even is that?'

"Ryujin?" Yves waved an empty cup in front of her friend's face. "The hell are you staring at?"

"Who do you think?" Jinsoul sipped on her straw, eyes darting back and forth between the cat-eyed girl and the friend in question. "How coincidental. Isn't this the second time today?"

"Please stop talking." Ryujin kept her sights on the pair dancing. She despised today, and when strangers began to obstruct her view of them, she only grew more annoyed.

"Somebody's jealous." Yves met eyes with Jinsoul and bursted into laughter. "Not that you're really allowed to be."

"Don't pick at her."

"Oh, come on, Lia. You had every bit to do with that, just as she did."

"She came here to de-stress. You were invited to help, not make things worse."

"We're just being honest." Jinsoul shrugged. Regardless of their friendship, she didn't approve of the decision, even if she didn't know Yeji personally.

"I'm not listening to this."

"Where are you going? Are you that bothered?"

"Just come on. Quit being an ass."

All three followed the youngest through the crowd, searching for an individual whose features she knew well. Once they caught on to her intentions, Yves snickered. "You can't be serious, Ryujin. What are you hoping to accomplish by staring?"

Ryujin ignored the question. Instead, she concentrated on the girls several feet to her left, focused on the way Yeji's hands firmly grasped onto the hips of whoever she was with. Her heart tightened in her chest. She didn't want to see her ex up close and personal with someone else. She didn't want to see someone back up into Yeji as if they were anything more than friends.

Did that girl have to be so touchy? Did she have to feel up on Yeji? Why wasn't Yeji stopping her? Did Yeji know her well? Are they friends or did they meet tonight? Questions ran through her mind endlessly. Ryujin knows she saw Yeji walk in alone. Were they supposed to meet up here?

"Jinsoul and Yves went to get another drink." Lia settled a hand on Ryujin's shoulder. "It was your idea to come. Try to relax a little."

"I don't want to. Not anymore."

Despite what she said, Ryujin allowed Lia to take her hand and pull her closer, but her stare elsewhere never faltered. Her eyes followed their every move. Her heart nearly stopped when the mystery girl went in for a kiss—or, well, what she feared was one. Still, that didn't change the fact Ryujin clenched her jaw at the possibility. It seemed the girl whispered something in Yeji's ear, answering a phone call directly after.

Lia looked into Ryujin's eyes. Despite the mass of people, she easily spotted a familiar face reflected in them. There was no taking the young Shin's mind off of Hwang Yeji. She knew that well by now.

Ryujin didn't like it when the two hugged afterward. What she hated more was when a different girl pulled the person Yeji was with away, leaving Yeji by herself amidst a bunch of strangers. Her ex started dancing with random people nearby, and worry consumed Ryujin.

Minutes passed. The look in her eyes changed.

"Don't do it."

"But you did."

"I hadn't seen her in months, not since— "

"And neither have I, Lia." Ryujin's brows met in the middle. "She's too drunk. I can't sit still knowing she might do something reckless?"

Happier: Serendipity Book 2 (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now