Listen Before I Go

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Seeing as "Who" was published before this chapter, I recommend reading that one before continuing on here. This chapter starts off with what happens right before the future chapter, and what happens directly after.

In that hour that Ryujin spent in her home before leaving to the park, she tossed out the remaining furniture she could. 'Could' because she slowly began to break down more and more with each thing she got rid of. And although it didn't typically make much sense, it was what ultimately led her to this park.

She had the letter with her, the one she promised herself she'd write, reading it over and over again, wondering if something was missing, but she couldn't think clearly. That night at the party made her wonder if she should keep it to herself, if she should never mail it, and because of how conflicted she was, Ryujin grabbed her phone on the bench beside her. She wiped her face as she waited for the ringing to stop, clearing her throat several times in order to speak clearly.


It was quiet for some time, and adding onto it was the silence around this park. Not many people were here at this place with her. Perhaps it was because of the chilling climate. It was unlikely that parents would want their kids to be playing around in this kind of weather, anyway.

"Sorry, Ye— I mean, she's home, so I walked outside... Is everything okay?"

I was wondering if we can— uhm, talk, maybe?" Trying her best not to stutter over her words, the short-haired girl took in a deep breath and placed the letter back in her jacket, tucking it in the pocket. "It doesn't have to be in person."

"I can come to you if you— "

"No, really, that's okay..." Ryujin shook her head lightly as if her friend could see her. "I just had this thought, and I need help deciding."

"What is it?"

"Sh- should I go? Should I tell her in person?" She cleared her throat once more, a few sniffles escaping before being able to continue, unknowingly breaking Chaeryeong's heart over the phone at the sound of her faulty voice. "I told my brother I wasn't, but the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to have second thoughts."

"Is it because of the party?"

Her eyes widened, not knowing that her friend knew of that as it only happened a few days ago. "Wh- what?"

"She told me that you were there. She knows you saw what happened."

"I- is that all she said??"

"I'm sorry, Ryujin. It isn't my place to say all that she said."

"Right..." With a heavy sigh, she felt her heart sunk in her chest. The chances that Yeji said anything that could leave her with hope were unlikely. However, perhaps Chaeryeong could be the one to give her hope, give her a reason to stay. She recalled what her friend said the night she brought Yeji home from the club. "Can I ask something else?"

"Go ahead."

"Did you mean what you said that night? About her saying she doesn't want me?"


"You're her roommate, Ryeongchae." Doubtful this would be any different from the questions she had seconds ago, her need to know triumphed over whether it was okay or not to ask. "Please, tell me... Is she over me?"

"Ryujin... why are you asking these things now? You know she's interested in someone else. I only know what I see and hear. I'm not in her head."

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