Never Not

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"Fine." Heejin's smile dropped, and her tone was no longer the teasing kind. She got a bit more serious, having been confused about something that didn't add up. The more she visited, the more she wanted to ask. The way everything was still in the same position as it had been, what was hung up and what wasn't, she was perplexed. "Why do you still live here?"

An anticipated silence followed. Heejin sat upright, waiting for an answer. What made it so difficult? Or was Ryujin afraid to say?

Whatever it was, Ryujin didn't make sense. Being around one another a lot, she knows some things. Bits and pieces. But why is it Ryujin and Lia refused to give the full story? Or, at least, a decent part of it? They left everyone in the dark. Anything she has learned was simply because she was around to see or overhear it.

"Why would you ask that.. ?" Ryujjin sounded a lot calmer now.

"Because I don't understand."

"You don't need to."

"You're right. I don't." Heejin raised a brow. "But we're all friends with her because we met her through you. You introduced us, we got close, and now we care. And I care about you just as much, Ryujin. I know how you felt and still feel, you make it so damn obvious."

"Your point?"

Her voice sounded a bit bland, but Heejin knew she was bothered whenever someone asked her things like this. What she was so intent on figuring out is why. "You're an idiot, that's my point. I'm only here and not at Yeji's because I really want to know why you chose to lose someone who treated you so well. Especially since you and Lia— "

"It's none of your business."

"The same way everything about Yeji's life is none of yours, yet that doesn't stop you from asking, now does it?" She moved from the couch she was on and sat next to Ryujin, fully attentive and facing her to watch for a reaction to anything she has to ask. "Why were you so bothered when you saw Yeji dancing with someone else?"

"Doesn't matter."

"You could've left. Why do you still live in this house? Why are all these frames still up? Why do you sleep in the same room you both once shared?"

"Please stop asking about things that don't involve you."

Ryujin's voice remained monotone. She wouldn't show emotion, and Heejin knew that had a purpose. But Heejin also knew it must be difficult. Ryujin's actions went against most of what she said. Ask enough questions and she'd have her proof. "Why'd you give Yeji up?"

"Shut up."

"Why'd you break her heart?"

Nonetheless, she was confident she'd get a reaction sooner or later, and she sure as hell got it when she asked that specific one. Ryujin lifted her chin off her hand, wincing at the question as if it hurt her physically. "Because I wanted to."

"Is that even the truth?"

"Dumb question."

It took every fiber in Heejin's being to resist slapping her friend right then and there. Not only was she being difficult, but she could also tell the latter was lying straight through her teeth.

Frustrated, she slinked her finger under the chain against her friend's neck that Ryujin hid under her shirt, making it visible, and surprising the latter who didn't think Heejin knew about it. "What's with that necklace? Why do you have the promise ring you gave her on it?"

"You're starting to piss me off... "

"Do I look like I care?" She scoffed. "What's up with you and Lia?"

Happier: Serendipity Book 2 (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now