Happier (Part 2)

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"I didn't think we'd take that long." Minnie cringed once she noticed the time. "Sorry about stealing you from your cousin."

"Oh, don't worry about that." Yeji didn't mind in the slightest. She really enjoyed herself, the same as she did back then at the arcade. Though she never knew them personally before, she recalled having just as much fun in the past. "He's family. I can see him whenever."

"Glad you said that." The blonde looked at the latter curiously, wondering what that meant exactly, as they walked to the car together. "I don't know why we haven't before, but we should hang out more."

"We should."

Minnie reciprocated the smile and a thought crossed her mind. Whether or not she'd get a yes was uncertain, but she would like to spend a little more time together. "I know I promised to bring you home afterward since Hyunjin left, but can I take you somewhere else first?"

"I- uh..." Yeji was about to say yes until she looked at the time again, reconfirming what hour it was, seemingly conflicted because she knew she worked early tomorrow. It was already getting late.

"Unless you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just I work in the morning." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Oh, I understand."

Seeing her friend's slightly upset expression made Yeji feel a bit guilty. She could tell Minnie hoped to hear a yes, and the more she thought about it, the more she supposed that another hour or two couldn't hurt. It was better than going home. "Let's go."

"Really?? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I don't go out enough."

"Say no more. I promise it'll be worth it." A warm smile graced Minnie's face, and she scrunched her nose out of excitement as they both entered the vehicle.

*** *** ***

Ryujin sat at a park, a different one this time, too afraid of the torment that came along with the other one so pivotal to her memories. It was slowly gnawing at her conscience. She had parted ways with Lia back at their school, both going their separate ways as usual.

But right now, at this very second, she regretted coming. She didn't ever think she'd run into this person, and the other seemed to have spotted her long before she did because the individual was approaching her already. There was no escaping this confrontation, not that she had the energy to with how emotionally drained she was.

The woman was now standing beside her, and both puppies she had immediately jumped at Ryujin's leg. The young Shin could never pretend that something like that didn't affect her, there was no choking back her tears and acting tough, and she hated that she couldn't fake it in front of this person. She found it interesting that she and her ex had the same idea, each having their parents watch after their pets for them, surely because the emotional attachment was too much to handle.

She bent down, allowing both Insam and Hongsam to greet her. She could only imagine if the dogs could understand, if they knew how much she hurt Yeji, if they would still wag their tails when they saw her.

"I've been meaning to talk to you for months now."

"Ma— " She bit down on her lip, lowering her head and squeezing her eyes tight, her desperate breaths heard by anyone nearby, almost not addressing the woman respectfully enough. "Hi, Mrs. Hwang."

"You broke my daughter's heart, Shin." Mama Hwang didn't look directly at her, but she was interested in knowing the reasons why things went the way they did.

Happier: Serendipity Book 2 (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now