You Were Good To Me

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Ryujin was more than eager to pick up the incoming call, her heart beating rapidly. Although she was nervous, she contained it somehow and prepared herself. She didn't want to say sorry over the phone, so her first intention after answering was to find out if she can go see her.

"Yeddeong?" Ryujin waited, each second making her heart race faster and faster. Out of concern, and not getting an immediate response, she questioned if the brunette was even there. "Are you there?"

She heard someone clear their throat before taking a deep breath. "I heard you came around earlier."

"She really did tell you." A small smile found its way on the younger girl's face. "I'm thankful for that."

"Ma won't tell you anything now. Not this time." The short-haired girl scooted the box to the side after taping it shut. "I know it's on me to explain and that's what I'll do."

Ryujin had come to a decision, as she told Chaeryeong she had the other night at the party. It was an honest response, and honesty was finally what she was going to give her ex.

Not in person, no. She wouldn't dare cross paths with Hwang Yeji ever again. At least, that would never be an intention of hers from here on out.

"What made you want to talk to me?"

That question made her heart sink in her chest, and she bit her bottom lip gently, squeezing her eyes  shut to avoid crying. "Can I see you? Like now? If I'm still not welcome or if you're not comfortable then I under"

"I'm outside."

Without thinking twice, Ryujin allowed her phone to slip right out of her hand and ran across the house to the door, struggling to unlock it at first since she was going so quick. After opening it, she paused for a second staring at the girl that stood before her. Her eyes started to water as she clung onto the latter like her life depended on it and began ranting.

"I'm so so so fucking sorry, please forgive me! I was so worried! I'm sorry that you got stuck with a dumbass girlfriend! I should've believed you from the start. I let him play with my mind. I don't know why, and I know I don't deserve this, but please, take me back!"

Even though the brunette wasn't aware of the outcome of everything after today, one thing she was certain of was how each of them felt. After seeing Ryujin, her mood lifted substantially, but she was a bit lost herself by the latter's words. "So... we were official before?"

The younger immediately pouted as she pulled out of their embrace, just as confused as the brunette. "Wait, now you're questioning it?"

"You questioned it before, s- so I didn't know..." Yeji spoke nervously, wondering if she shouldn't have questioned it now. "You claimed it was because you never asked me out."

A few tears actually managed to escape her eyes this time, but they were the happy kind. Relieved that she and Yeji were talking, she tensely laughed after recalling how she said that. "That's true. Maybe I should've done so by now."

Yeji liked the sound of that, but she was doubtful the other planned on asking her because last time Ryujin said she wanted it to be more grand and not simple. So, the older girl took a shot at introducing the question herself. "Uhm, Ryujin? Will you "

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