Field Day With Batzy

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When I woke up Adrian was waiting for me in the lobby." I'm not late, am I? I was up early." I asked. He smiles as a greeting. "Nope! I just like being early" He says. "Haha so where to today?" He hands her a schedule. "Where ever the book takes us" I look through it." oh. Well well well. That bitch is finally biting the dust! Lorie age seventeen doom to die at ten. Oh, this is good. I know exactly where she is." I told Adrian. "Well let's not waste time then!" He said as we walked." I couldn't agree more! Come on before I decide to get myself demoted and kill an angel." I said laughing as I brought us to my home town. To a graveyard. Lorie is walking around. "Ten minutes and you get to die! About time too." I snickered.

"Hehehe. I love seeing the passion for killing" Adrian smiled." I love it. And she has it coming. She was very mean to me for no reason. Time for playback. I will take pride in slitting her throat." I meant it too. "Hehehe. I know a few reapers that were like you, but they lost their spark". I smiled. "Sucks for them. I'm just odd. I've always had a knack for death. Ironically my nickname was reaper when I was alive. Haha now, look at me! Hehe ah, five more minutes." I wait eagerly. "I know a few that've said that too." He says. I smiled. " ok if I take this one?" He nods. I jumped from gravestone to gravestone and land in Fort of her. "Hello, Lorie miss me?" I asked sadistically." What! You're dead! She says about running. " Sure am! Now you will be too! Say good night!" I said as I took my scythe and slit her throat with ease. I relished in the blood spatter as I looked through her record and write in the book. "Hehehe. I love the sight of blood" Adrian said laughing. "Me too. I live for it. " I said.

Adrian checks the book. "Next is Moira Braxton, she dies in an armed robbery in twenty minutes" He informs me. "After you Batzy!" I said following him. He smiles and takes me to the location of the robbery. A small house in the suburbs. A few small children are playing in the backyard. "Aww, cute. Hey, I got a question for you while we wait." I say looking up at him. He looks down at me. "Ask away dearie!" "Do you mind if I call you Batzy? I forgot to ask. It's a cool nickname for you." He smiles and oats my head. "Oh, I don't mind it. I love nicknames! Children give silly ones, its too bad these kids are going to die. One of them was going to be a famous actor" He said. "Well, you were hanging in the ceiling when I first met you haha. Such a shame poor things." I said as I watched them play. "I'll handle the kids. You take care of Moira." I nodded and did so. Adrian was at my side a few minutes later. "It been a while since I've killed kids, but it had to be done," He told me. "I hate to do it but it's part of the job," I said to him. "This is Pierre's favorite part of the job, she's expressed this multiple times" I shook my head. "So I've heard. Can I see the book?"He hands me the book as he nods.

I look for the next target. I stare at it for a moment." No fucking way. My father is next." I said to Adrian ."Ah, how coincidental". He says. I shake a bit before closing it. " Ok, let's get this over with I didn't want to see him again." I brought us to my house. "Oh, I remember this neighborhood. It isn't very good " "It's shit. Like my life was too. you probably know what be did to me. Ok, I can do this. Can't freak out now. " I say to myself. As I go in. "You get to kill the man who made your life miserable. I'd be excited. Oh, and don't let him see you. I let it slide with the girl from this morning but reapers aren't supposed to show themselves" He told me. "Oh oops. Ok. " I stay as quiet as possible and hack away at him without being seen. Once dead I record the important stuff down. "Burn in hell," I said angrily hacking away more for a minute. "Ok that's done, Oh here look daddy I made a mess too bad your dead now can't hurt me anymore. Come on Batzy. More awaits." I say to Adrian.

Adrian follows saying nothing. "Next is Karla Marie, cause of death, house fire". He says as we get to the location. "I got a little carried away back there oops. He didn't see me through." I told Adrian. "That's all that matters. You can make it as bloody as you want". He says. I smiled. "That I did. I don't even care who has to clean it haha. If you want this one go for it. I'll write." I said taking to book. He collects the souls without hesitation while I write. " Ok, who's next? It looks like we are nearing the end. Aww man" ."One last soul. Sara Martinez, cause of death, fatal accident" "Oh how lovely." I say with a big smile. "Hm. It's all the way across town. We better hurry". He said as we make our way.

As soon as they arrive at the location a car flips over and crashes into a house. "Woah! Haha". I cheer jumping from excitement and reaping her soul. "That seems to be it for the day," Adrian says." It was a good one I think. That car flip though haha epic!" I exclaimed. "Hehehe. I don't see these every day." He says. "The first one I've seen that wasn't on TV. Picture Show I think you guys call it." Adrian gives me a look. "Who calls it that anymore?" I look up at him." Pierre, Drax, and Prue. I'm weird to them but it's ok I'm used to being the odd one out." I answered. "Ah, I know why they call it that. Pierre and Drax are too busy to adapt to new technology"." Yeah. True. Wait so if I said the word movie or video game you actually know what I'm talking about?" Adrian laughed. "Of course I do!" Finally! Someone I don't have to translate to!" I said ."So what should we do now?" Adrian thought for a moment. "Hehehe. Well, there's always a beach we can go to". He says with a smile which made me smile. "Sure," I said. "I adore Daytona. It's beautiful there". I looked at him. " hmm never been." I said. "Ah, it's beautiful. You'll love it!" I smile again as we get there. 

"Ah, real sun! So refreshing. I say as I take off her sweater and puts it in her bag." Adrian sits on the sand and looks at the water. I join him building a sandcastle and then smashed it. "I love the beach for one reason, shark attacks". He says. "Your just as twisted as I am hahaha." I laughed running to the water. "Sadly I don't think there are any sharks about" I swam around for a while. "I would join you but getting wet doesn't strike my fancy". He says. I give him a funny look. " oh dear." He sighs. "Don't worry. I may be a 'child ' but I respect others limits." I assured sitting next to him. "Hehehe. Well, that's definitely not what I expected" He says smiling. "It is different if you were a demon. Or Pierre. Hah teasing her is fun. But I respect you too much to be mean." I told him. "Be careful about teasing Pierre, making her mad is the last mistake many have made." He warns. "Oh and be careful about your jokes, she tends to take things to heart. She may think you're serious if you say something". He adds.

I nod. "I've noticed she doesn't take social cues well," I said. "She just doesn't like jokes or social events to where she needs to dress masculine". He says. "That's Understandable. I'm the same way about wearing dresses. "He laughs "Well the damage is done, it cant be reversed. I wore heels once, I did not enjoy that". I looked at him and raised a brow. " you? Heels? Ha, no way!" I laughed. "It was Pierre's idea". He said. "Haha, I would have loved to have seen that. Haha." "She is quite the character. Hehehe." "She sure is. So is she allowed to go back to work?" I ask. "Almost. Maybe tomorrow or so". He answers. Ok. She will like that. "Oh, I forgot! Here." I said handing him a page from my sketchbook. It's a drawing of him hanging like a bat from the ceiling of his parlor. Adrian smiles. "Hehehe. I remember that. I rarely get caught in that position" He laughs. "Haha. I like to hang upside down at times too. All the blood rushes to your head haha." I admit. "Hehehe. Its fun being upside down". He says. It is. "Well as much as I regret saying this as your fun to hang out with I should get back. Pierre says I'm not allowed outside. Well, that's what she tells me when I jump off stuff." I say sadly.

'I like being around Batzy. I always feel like myself.' I think to myself. "Hehehe. She's overprotective, but I agree. We should get back before nightfall". "Nightfall is the best time," I said getting up. "Time for the plastered on smile." "You get used to it after a while," Adrian says as he stands up. "I'm used to it. Did that all my life. I just find some people are easier to be myself with than others." I said. He caught on to who I meant. "I'll see you again one day, but until then, behave." He says patting my head. "I'm always good haha. Well, most of the time. Thanks for taking me to the beach. See ya Batzy!" I call to him as I enter the hotel. 'It feels good to actually be happy. Strange but good.' I thought in my head.

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