Chapter seventeen: Kidnapped

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This is gonna be very short. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to post one last week it's just with what COVID did to my school it's kinda stressful so I hope you enjoy at least these little chapter until I get my life sorted lol.

~Reader's POV~
I open my eyes satisfied with my sleep. I feel something heavy on my chest. I look down and see Elizabeth there. I feel my face getting red. I totally forgot we slept together last night. I calm down and looked outside to see the sun shinning which means, we have to get up.

I shake Eli to wake her up. "Wakey wakey!" She opens her eyes slowly. "Good morning love~" I whisper in her ear. She jumps up her face all red. I chuckle. I sit up and kiss her on the forehead and stood up and exited the room. I walk down the stares to see someone I didn't expect.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I ask confused. I wipe my eyes. Nope he's still there. "Well hello Gowther!" I greet him. "Hello (Y/n)." He says in his his normal boring tone. "When did you get here?" I ask walking to him. "Yesterday. You were sleeping with the princess." He says. I blush a bit. "Thank you for pointing that out." I say and walk to the kitchen. I hear a small 'you're welcome' I giggle a bit. Gowther never really understood emotions. Of course it's sad but I find it kind of amusing that he doesn't know sarcasm.

I enter the kitchen and see Ban cooking. Hello Ban where's Meli?" I ask. "I don't probably outside with Diane and King thinking about where we're going next." He answers "Thank you." I walk outside to see the 3 people I was expecting. "Find out yet?" I ask. They all look at me.

"Nope." Meliodas says with a smile. I smile back. Damn his optimism is too much. "We should head inside though" King says. We head inside, of course Diane stayed outside. I see the Eli decided to come down.

I space out a bit but I zoom back into the conversation. "Hey captain if that sword of yours can resurrect and Hedrickson has it-" "HE WHAT?!" I yell and cut Diane off. Meli comes running to me probably because I was almost showing my demon form. "I was going to tell you but.. you know.." Meliodas whispers to me. "We better get that back!" I whisper back. "Continue Diane." Meli smirks at her. "Do you think he already brought them back?" She finishes.

Not yet we would've felt it. "Not yet it's a pretty powerful seal. So even if they do managed to brake it, there's bien to be some kind of sign" Just as Meli says that a loud scream(?) from Hawk. "It's a sign! I think I'm getting a sign!!" He says. "That you need to poop?" Bam says sarcastically. "The seal is gonna be broken!" He says again in a sick voice.

"Hawk are you okay?" Elizabeth says worriedly. She's sweet but honestly this pig is getting on my nerves. This is not something to joke around about! I guess Meli could sense my anger because he put a hand on my shoulder. "Hang on, I get those guys are going after the sword but I don't understand why there going after Elizabeth." Hawk says in the same tone of voice.

"It's simple!" A robotic voice says. Then a weird lady appears behind Elizabeth. "She's the last key to braking the seal." The lady says. "Oh crap! Get away from her!" Meli yells. I jump over the table to get to her but it's to late she's gone. "Good damn it!" I yell. Me and Meli start to run outside. "Captain! (Y/n)!" Diane yells. "Follow me. We're heading to the capitol to save Elizabeth." Meliodas says.

I'm glad he included me. "But how the capitol is 40 miles away!" King says. "Diane!" I say. "Gotcha!" She says. "Not so fast. I changed my mind! I'm going too." Ban says. "Ban! Would you stop fooling around!" King scolds him. "You've got your reasons for going, I got mine." Ban says. Gowther hugs Ban as he did to Meli. "I'm coming too." He adds.

I would've laughed If we weren't in this situation. "Ah come on Gowther what a you doing?" King asks. Diane grabs us all except King. "Ban and the Captain always fight so seeing them in action would be, educational." Gowther states. "Here it goes. I might be a little off so be careful!" Diane says. "Just get us close we'll take it from there!" I say. "Right!" She gets in position. "No matter what happens just bring Elizabeth back save!" Diane says. "On it!" I say. She runs and launches is us towards the capitol.

Don't worry Love I'm coming.

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