New Town

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As we get farther and farther into the next town, I start to relax. The farther away the better. 

Now I know, I can't always run, I can't always hide, but for not I have to try. I'm only 17 years old, normal 17-year-olds go to prom, skip class, graduate, but not me. I'm far from normal. And I've come to accept the fact that I just won't ever be normal. 

"How long until we get to Grand Marais?" I ask her, I still don't even know her name. She takes her eyes off the road, just long enough to look at me and answer. "4 hours." 

I sigh. 

She reaches over and turns the radio on, I guess she got tired of the silence. I lay my head against the window and begin to drift asleep. 

When I wake up, I wake up to some strange lady shaking me, I go to scream but the memories from the past few hours flood back.  I can't believe its real... I can't believe I got away. 4 hours away. I smile slightly to myself. "We're here." She says. 

I look around and take in my surroundings, we're at a Fish market, the words "DOCKSIDE Fish and Seafood" plastered on a yellow sign on the building that looks like a little red house with a black rooftop. She steps out the car, and waits for me. I climb out and walk over to her side. 

"So, where you heading from here?" She asks, I walk next to her trying to keep her pace. 

"I dunno." I say. "I guess I never really thought about that." 

She looks at me for a brief moment, debating on what to say. 

"Well I had to come get some fish for Grandpapi, he doesn't like anything else, refuses to eat, if you need a ride back let me know." 

I shake my head, "thanks for the ride." She smiles, and as she walks into the Fish house, I walk in the opposite direction. 

I need to find a bus. 

I walk around the other side of the Fish house, and see a few people sitting outside. 

I decide not to bother them and keep walking, keeping my head down. I thought keeping my head down was a good way to go until I bumped into someone. I lift my head up as arms fall around my waist to steady me.

"Woah." He says. I look up at his face. "What are you doing out here?" He asks. I look at him confused, and move out of his embrace. "I'm kinda new in town and I need a ride somewhere."

He looks at me, "you're not new here Ella Mae, you've lived here all your life, and if you needed a ride why didn't you just say so?" He asks, I go to object and tell him my name isn't Ella Mae, but someone else interrupts me. 

"Pops you leave that poor girl alone!" A young man calls from the back door to the Fish house. He gives me an apologetic look before turning away. 

"They all think I'm crazy." The old man says shaking his head, he reaches in his coat pocket and hands me a set of keys. "Take these, and go wherever you need to." He tells me and pats my hand. 

"Thank you but I can't."

"Yes you can Ella Mae, your mother always wanted you to get out of this old town here, you go, I'll be fine without a car, things too updated for me to know how to work it anyways." He says laughing and shaking his head. He walks off and goes back into the store. 

I stare at the keys in my hand and then decide not to push it and I drop them into my pocket. 

Might as well go get some food to go. 

I look up at the Fish house and go inside. 

The young man that was yelling at, I'm assuming, his dad looks up at me as I enter. 

"Hey there, how are you today?" He asks, I smile slightly, not wanting to be rude. "Im quite fine how about you?" He nods, "I'm good too, and I apologize about my pops, he's been having  a lot of issues here lately, and he's been having a problem getting over the lose of his niece, I guess to him you look like her." 

"Its alright." I say and wave my hand dissmisivley. 

I decide there isn't really anything here I can take, because where am I going to cook it, so instead, I just leave. 

I take the keys out and press the unlock button, trying to find where this car is. I lock the doors and then I hear it, I look up and around and press it once more, then a black BMW jumps out at me. 

He drove this!!!! Hes like 60 and drives  a BMW! 

I get in smiling, when I start the car it starts easily, and I put it in reverse. 

Okay, now its time to really get out of here. 

I need to go somewhere small, but far. I start wracking my brain for endless possibilities. Places they wouldn't dare look for me. Places I could blend, and not be recognized. 

I pull out onto the street and head for the nearest gas station. I need to stock up on snacks and get gas. 

I pull into the gas station I see at the end of the road, and reach into my boot and grab the money I saved for this very thing. I take out 100, and put the rest in the glove box, making a mental note not to forget it's there. 

I slip the 100 in my jacket pocket, turn off the car, and walk into the gas station, locking the car behind me. 

I walk in and grab a lot of snacks. 

Chips. Candy. Different drinks. I grab a pack of band aids, an ace bandage wrap, and a few different energy drinks. I'll need to stay awake for a while. I go up to the cash register, pay for everything, and then pay for the gas. 

I take the bags back to the car, and put them in the passenger seat, after I finish pumping the gas, I get back into the car, start it, and then I just sit there. 

Where to now? 

I think about it for several more seconds. 

Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. 

It's perfect. Small. Not many people, maybe 900 at most. Not very far. 

I sigh and turn the car back off, I jog back into the store and ask for a map, the guy behind the counter hands me one, and shakes his head when I try to give him money. 

I jog back to the car and set the keys in the cup holder, I still lock the doors though. 

I open the map, Cottonwood Kansas is about a 12 and a half hour car ride. It's perfect.

I set the map in the passenger seat ontop of my bags, and start the car. 

Now, all I have to do is follow the map. 

I pull out of the gas station parking lot, and head towards the highway. 

This is gonna be one long ass car ride. 

A/N: Hi guys!!! Two updates in ONE DAY!!! I just wanted to give you guys another chapter because I know it's been a while since I told you guys about the book.

Let me know if you 

like it 

hate it 

want more

don't care


WORD COUNT: 1,217 

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