Chapter1: Training with and for One For All and UA entrance exams

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*We'll start this one when Deku meets All Might at Takoba Beach.*

Deku's POV

"Hey Toshinori! I'm here at the beach but why are we here I thought we were supposed to train?" I ask All Might and he just smiled at me while pointing at a section of garbage at that beach.

"You will clean this beach,  it used to be beautiful here so you will reform it! It should take you the whole 10 months to finish and after that I'll give you my power and you will go to the UA entrance exam!" All Might said as we started to walk towards all the trash.

"Okay I'm ready but I think I can do it before 10 months!" I exclaimed as All Might smiled and so began the next four months of hell.

*Timeskip to when All Might comes back after going back to his agency for about 1 month.*

All Might's POV

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I heard young Midoriya yelling and seeing the entire beach cleaned up.

"Young Midoriya you managed to clean up even the part I didn't ask you to! You also only did it about four months you really amazed me!" I told him while I see him starting to fall off the trash so I turn into my buff form and catch him.

"Young Midoriya you did it you are officially ready to inherit my power! So eat this!" I say as I pull out one of my hairs which really confuses him so I have to force feed it to him.

"Okay you probably won't feel anything today so just go home and rest your training will continue tomorrow so meet me hear at 4:00 p.m." He looked so happy and I could definitely tell that I choose the right person to inherit my power.

Deku's POV

'I officially have the Number 1 hero's quirk!I HAVE THE SYMBOL OF PEACE'S QUIRK! I HAVE ALL MIGHT'S QUIRK!!!' I was screaming to myself in my head i was just so excited I couldn't control myself so I instantly ran home fell asleep and rushed back to Takoba Beach after school.

"Heyyyy I'm here" I yelled well running towards All Might but he had two people with him. An old lady with a cane with a white docter type coat around her and old man also with a cane but he had with a yellow and white hero costume?

"Hello young Midoriya, you may be wondering who these two people are. This right here is Recovery Girl and this is Gran Torino also they both know about One For All so it's okay you don't have to hide anything!" All Might says I try to exam both of them and I realize Recovery Girl is the school nurse at UA but I didn't have any idea who this other guy was.

"Oh well hello I am Izuku Midoriya it's a pleasure to meet the both of you!" I said as I bowed with a smile and they just looked at me with a face of approval and confusion.

"Well today and for the rest of the six months we will train you to use One For All and you will master it and learn how to master it! So fire off a SMASH!" All Might told me while the three of them just stared at me waiting.

"U-U-Ummm I-I dont k-know h-how to." I told them and they both looked at All Might with a face of disappointment.

"Hey I just gave him the quirk yesterday and he was quiekless so don't blame us! Okay so this is what you have to do." All Might said changing into his buff form.

"CLENCH YOUR BUTT CHEEKS KID AND YELL THIS FROM THE DEAPTHS OF YOU HEART! SMASHHHHHH!!!" All Might yelled as he punch the air upward causing massive wind pressure and then changed back into his skinny form.

"Okay I got this just calm my nerves." I said to myself out loud I sat there for like a minute trying to calm down.

"SMASHHHHHHH!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs and then massive wind pressure comes out and makes the sand and water splash everywhere then I yell out of pain realizing that my whole arm is broken and it's red and purple???

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