Chapter 6: UA Sports Festival Finale

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*Okay well the last part Deku figured out that he had to meet Uraraka's parents because they saw her run out and kiss Deku before his match against Todorki. So let's start off where we left! Also sorry it took so long I had test also this took 3 days to right considering it is 5436 words.*

Deku's P.O.V.

'WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!? I HAVE TO MEET MY NEW GIRLFRIENDS PARENTS NOW!!! THIS IS SO BAD I AM SO SCREWED! IF KACHAN DOESN'T KILL ME HER DAD FOR SURE WILL!' I thought to myself while freaking out and thinking of a way to get out of this.

"KACHAN I need your help! Okay after the Sports Festival is over I need you to knock me out and make sure I don't wake up until school starts!" I beg him while shaking from pear fear of the thought of Ochako's dad.

"NO! Your going to suffer a fate worse than what I could do to you! YOU FINALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND AND NOW HER DAD IS GONNA KILL YOU😂!" Kachan yells at me after he starts laughing on the floor and everyone can see I'm shaking.

"Yo common bro. Your gonna be fine Uraraka's dad is going to love you... right Uraraka?" Kirishima said trying to make me feel better but now I had to wait for her answer.

"Umm I m-mean he should. But I don't how he's going to react... because... I've never brought a boy home. So Deku your just going to have to wing it. But if he looks past the fact that your my first boyfriend,... the first boy I've brought home,... and the first person I kissed... but if he looks passed all of that than you'll be fine!" Ochako told me as I started freaking out even more I didn't even notice that Tokoyami and Kaminari fought and Kaminari won by there being to much light and the electricity knocking out Tokoyami.

"I'm so screwed! Oh god it's not even like I can make up an excuse because I'm terrible at lying! So what do I do now!?" I yell at myself still freaking out unable to snap out of my own thoughts.

"Hey D-Deku do you m-mind w-walking me to the areana? It's my m-match and I'm up against I-Ilda right now." Ochako tells me while blushing and holding out her hand.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"O-O-Oh y-yea s-s-sure I-I-I'll go with y-you!" Deku stutters out while holding her hand and starts walking out.

"Hey Ochako so do you have a plan on how to beat Ilda yet?" Deku asked her giving her that same smile that peirces through her heart so she snuggles up on Deku's arm.

"No not really but I don't want to think about that right now. Have I ever told you how warm you are?" Uraraka asked Deku which makes Deku just smile at her while they keep walking almost being their.

"No I don't think so. But I have a plan that you can use because I want you to get as far as possible. So here's the plan since you and Ilda are friends he's not going to want to hurt you at all. So most likely he'll try push you out of the ring probably by grabbing your shoulders and pushing you out. So when he does that you'll just have to touch him and make him float but if you can't do that then go for the legs and try to make him fall then you touch him and make him float out! *Deku sees Ochako getting worried and doubting herself.* Don't worry Ochako I know you can do this I believe in you and even if you do loose just know that that I'm so proud of you for making it this far and I'll win this for the both of us." Deku told her while giving her that same smile that she loved to see.

"D-Deku your amazing I'm honestly so lucky to even have you in my life let alone have you as my boyfriend. My parents are going to love you oh yea also I forgot to mention that ever time I told my dad that a boy liked me he would threaten to come to my school and "Teach them a lesson" but I think he'll love you for sure!" Ochako stated trying to make the situation better while Deku was hyperventilating.

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