Chapter 3: The USJ

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*Lets start this one when they load into the bus to go to the USJ. Also since All Might is always getting weaker the more he uses One For All Deku's %'s will be way higher than All Mights because the more he uses it the stronger he gets unlike All Might.

Deku's POV

'Okay well I guess I'm gonna sit by Ochako!' I was thinking to myself while I felt my chest get a little heavy for some reason.

"Since we're pointing the obvious I got something to say about you Midoriya. That power of yours is very similar to All Might's isn't it?" Asui said while everyone looks at me with curiosity but good thing Gran Torino taught me how to lie under pressure.

"No not really my quirk is no where new as strong as All Might's so I guess it's kinda like a more toned down version of All Might's quirk. Plus no one really knows what All Mights's quirk is. All everyone knows is that it's extremely powerful." I told them as they seemed to believe me but I could feel two people staring at me but didn't bother to look to see who it was.

"Quiet down everyone we're here and don't say anything at least until we get inside." Mr. Aizawa tells us as he gets out of his sleeping bad and stretches so we all go inside and talk to thirteen.

"Hey Midoriya why are you staring at Uraraka?" Mina asked me but I just don't react trying to stay focused.

"Hey Midoriya you good man? Your staring at Uraraka really intensely!" Kirishima says while Ochako looks at me confused as I charge up 26% Full Cowling and people start freaking out.

"VILLAINS!" I yell through gritted teeth and everyone looks to see a purple portal open up and villains start to swarm inside.

"Hello I am Shigaraki but we are the League of Villains and we are here to ... kill the Symbol of Peace!" Shigaraki says as a giant bird looking thing walks out of the portals.

"Everyone get back! Thirteen protect the students! These are real villain!" Mr. Aizawa yells at us while he rushes to fight all of the villains as we rush towards the exit and a big purple and black fog comes out of nowhere.

"Hello my name is Kurogiri it's a pleasure to meet you all. But unfortunately I can not allow you to leave." Kurogiri says as Kachan and Kirishima rush towards him but he traps us all in the fog then I fall into some water.

'Wait what just happened why am I in the water?' I questioned myself as a villains runs towards me but gets hit by Asui and brings me up to the boat then we notice there's a bunch of villains in the water.

"Okay so considering they sent you her Asui then they probably don't know our quirks. So we can use that and I've been obversing everyone in the class so I know what your quirks can do so let me think of a plan." I say as I start to mutter to myself then a giant water hand smashes the boat.

"Okay I got the plan! So pretty much I'm gonna use some wind pressure attacks and then you can take Mineta and jump away. Then Mineta you through your sticky balls at all of the villains and Asui you rap your tounge around me and take us to land!" After I finished talking they nodded and went through with the plan while were in the air I see Ilda escape out of the USJ but his legs looked injured.

"Okay Midoriya let's go back to meet up with the rest of the class." Asui says as her and Mineta start to walk away and I walk towards Mr. Aizawa and see him being beaten by the bird monster thing.

"Tomura Shigaraki one of the students manage to escape he is injured though so we have some time. But he was only able to escape because all of the students interfered with me stopping him." Kurogiri says as Shigaraki starts to scratch his neck until it bleeds.

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