Chapter 5: UA Sports Festival Tournament Part 1

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*So last time we left off with them finding out who they'll be fighting also since this one is going to be super long I'm going to start this one off in the first match and Todorki already talked to Deku about his father! Also there's microphones everywhere in the ring so they can here everything that's being said while they fight and in case you forgot here's their placement.
         Shinso vs Todorki
         Deku vs Sero
         Kaminari vs Mei
         Tokoyami vs Shiozaki
         Mina vs Ilda
         Ochako vs Kirishima
         Momo vs Aoyama
         Bakugo vs Tetsutetsu*

3rd Person P.O.V.

"THE FIRST MATCH WILL BE! Our mastered ice quirk user TODORKI and the boy who slipt through the cracks SHINSO but which of these competitors will come out on top!?" Present Mic asked the audience as the erupted into cheers and Todorki couldn't stop thinking about his father and what Deku had told him ealier.

'Damn it Midoriya you must advance! So I can beat you with only one side. But first I have to worry about him and I have no idea what his quirk is so I'm just going to end this with one huge attack!' Todorki thought to himself while Shinso was throwing constant insults at him that he didn't even hear. Then Todorki launcher his biggest attack that he could possibly make not wanting to taking any chances and he also froze half of the stadium.

"Shinso can you move?" Midnight asked him while she was shivering in her boots.

"No." Shinso replied with that one word it broke his spirit and heart. Then Todorki walked up to him and place his left hand on his chest.

"Shinso has been immbilized! That means the winner of the first round is Todorki he advances to the next round!"

"I'm sorry. I was just so angry." Todorki mumbles as he melts the ice.

'I don't know why. But I can't help but feel like he's really sad right now. It's probably because of his father! I just have to beat Sero. Then plan make a plan to win and make him use his fire but him being okay with it. I have to save him!' Deku thought to himself as he already knew how to beat Sero and mainly everyone else he might end up fighting as he made his way down to fight Sero.

"GET READY FOR THE SECOND FIGHT OF THE THE FIRST ROUNDS! But who will be the winner? The unstoppable force for the last to round IZUKU MIDORIYA or the tape quirk user HANTO SERO!?" Present Mic announced as everyone already knew who would win.

"BEGIN!" Present Mic yells and as soon as he does Deku charged up 20% Full Cowling and pushed Sero out of the ring effortlessly.

"Sero has been knocked out of the ring! Midoriya wins he advances to the next round!" Midnight said while whipping her whip and Deku sighed knowing he could now fight Todorki with that he went back to watch the rest of the maches.

"Hey Deku you won easily." Uraraka teased him as she patted the seat next to her signaling for him to sit next to her.

"Yea I guess so. It's worth it though now I can fight Todorki and save him." Deku said as he sat down next to her really enjoying her company.

"What do you mean save him? It's not like there's any villains attacking right now... right?" Ochako asked him getting kinda scared that there's more villains.

"No it's not that. There's no villains here I'm sure of it. But emotionally I have to save him that's what I meant. I guess you'll hear everything considering they have high microphones planted all over the arena to catch everything we say." Deku responded as he thought of ways to make him use his fire.

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