Chapter 4: UA Sports Festival! Obstacle Race/Calvarly Battle!

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(Let's start this one when they go back to school after the USJ incident)

3rd Person P.O.V.

"So guys who do you think we'll have as a teacher since Mr. Aizawa is hurt?" Mina asked all of Class 1a and they were also wondering.

"Morning class." Mr. Aizawa says through his bandages as he stepped into class.

"MR. AIZAWA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HER?!" All of Class 1a yelled at him.

"My well being is irreverent. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Mr Aizawa says making everyone think of my villains.

"The UA Sports Festival is about to start." Eraser Head announced to the class making everyone super excited.

"Anyways it will start in one week and you have that week off of school. So I suggest you all train so your ready for anything that could happen in the Festival." Mr. Aizawa says while walking out of the class leaving everyone to talk.

(Time skip to everyone in the waiting room of UA's Sports Festival)

"Midoriya objectivity speaking I'm stronger than you. I've noticed that you seem to very close to All Might which means you have All Might in your corner. I promise that I will beat you and win this thing with only using my right side." Todorki said declaring war on Deku with everyone watching them.

"1. Todorki you saw how I beat Nomu also it was made to kill All Might how do you think you would done against that? 2. I don't have All Might in my corner he just needed to talk to me because of what I did at the USJ. 3. You don't have the right to beat me with using half of your power. So I promise to beat you and trust me you will use your fire after that I'm going to win this thing!" The One For All user exclaimed at Todoroki declaring war on him too while Todorki is glaring at him and walks away.

"DONT LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS YOU BASTARDS! I WILL WIN THIS AND KILL BOTH OF YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" Bakugo yells at Deku and Todorki with everyone feeling the tension between the three strongest people in Class 1a.

(Time skip to the beginning of the Obstacle Race and everything else happened the same pretty much)

'I can easily win this whole thing but should I let them have a chance? No no no never underestimate your opponents I'll just win this thing right away!' Deku thought to himself while the race was about to begin.

"START!" Midnight announced and everyone was stuck in the tunnel so I use my finger to boost me with the wind pressure.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA has already maid it to the mine field! After destroying all of the robots even the zero pointers IN JUST 30 SECONDS! Eraser Head what do you have to say about your student?!" Present Mic asked Eraser Head to explain to the audience.

"Without a doubt in my mind Izuku Midoriya is the most impressive kid I have ever had the pleasure of teaching! He was the reason why most of the students were barley injured at the USJ he saved that whole class better than I ever could. If we let him be a pro right now he would definitely at least be the Number 2 Hero honestly he might be even stronger than All Might and once he finishes at UA he'll be the Number 1 Hero and be stronger than All Might has ever been trust me!" Mr Aizawa tells the whole audience and participants shocking them but mostly angering Bakugo and Todorki.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA HAS FINISHED IN RECORD TIMING OF 43.27 SECONDS!" Present Mic called out and Deku was crying and smiling because he was number one.

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