Chapter 7: Meeting The Uraraka's

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*Hey everyone so let's start this one when
there done unpacking inside their rooms and everyone is in the common area besides Bakugo and a few others.*

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Hey Midoriya bro are you exited to meet Uraraka's parents or are you still terrified?" Kirishima jokes while nudging his elbow to Deku's arm.

"All I have to say is if you don't see my the next day... send a search team. Please because I am absolutely terrified! I feel like I'll maybe be good with her mom but her dad terrifies me to my core!" Deku says while curling up into a ball on the couch and Kirishima puts in his earbuds and listens to "Manly Music"😂.

*Have any of you looked at what Kirishima's gear is labeled? It's all stuff like shoulders of manliness😂! Honestly he's my second favorite character behind Mirio because like common he's the ultimate goodboy😂! But tell me what your favorite character is and who you think would make the best main character because I'm very interested!👍*

"Common Deku I told you it won't be that bad. My dad will just try and intimidate you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about." Uraraka explains as she snuggles up to Deku.

"Easy for you to say. All you have to do is meet my totally non threatening mom. I have to meet your... father." Deku says as his stomach starts to twist and turn.

"Speaking of relationships! Jiro you seem to be talking to Kaminari quite a lot!" Mina squealed making Jiro have a light blush and Kaminari just look confused.

"W-What are you talking about?! I wouldn't ever go for some like this idiot!" Jiro screemed while Kaminari was just smiling like an idiot.

"Oh common you know you wouldn't hate it!" Kaminari joked while scooting closer to her.

"S-Shut up! Your an idiot I would never! I'm better than that!" Jiro yells trying to convince everybody with Kaminari still smiling like an idiot.

"If that were true than why are you blushing right now?" Kaminari points out to her still inching closer to her.

"Shut up! Get away from me!" Jiro yells while stabbing her earphone jack into him making him fall onto the floor.

"Jiro! You just killed your future husband!😂" Mina screemed while bursting out laughing making her blush even more.

"Mina you seem to be awfully close to Kirishima lately what's up with all of that? Are we witnessing the beginning of a new relationship?! We already have Midoriya and Uraraka so are you guys next?!" Jiro teased back making everyone laugh and Mina blush.

"Hey guys what's so funny? I was listening to my Manly Music and just saw everyone laughing!" Kirishima asked while showing Deku his playlist making him laugh.

"Oh Kirishima so pretty much what happe-" Deku was cut off by Mina shooting acid at him as Bakugo made his way to the couches.

"AYE! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HURT OR BULLY THE SHITY NERD!" Bakugo screemed surprising everyone as he seemed to get protected over everyone.

"Is this you by any chance you warming up to me?" Deku asked walking towards him.

"DON'T DREAM ON IT YOU BASTARD! YOUR ALWAYS GOING TO JUST BE A USELESS DEKU!" Bakugo screemed making everyone think he's back to normal.

"I wouldn't expect anything else from you Kachan. I do hope one day it might change though. Maybe we could go back to how we were before everything started to change. What do you say?" Deku asked while reaching out his hand as Bakugo smacks it away and leaves.

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