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Three months later,

"Ugh, I feel like shit!" I told Annabel as I sat up after puking in the toilet.

"Honey, you got prego at 16 and now you're 19 and having another damn baby. Calm it down!"

"Harry wanted to, and so did I. It's taking his mind off of Zayn and Nathaniel. He still hates them seeing each other."

Zayn saw Nathaniel every weekend and I had him some weekdays. I didn't mind every once in a while if he asked to have him on a weekday, although it pissed Harry off a lot.

"Please tell me you're not just doing this for Harry. You know what they say, a baby won't make him stay or love you."

"I don't know anymore. It's too late. I'm already pregnant and Harry is happy. Am I suppose to be happy too?" I slowly laid on her couch. Then my stupid phone started buzzing.

From: Babe<3

Can we talk?

"Bell, he wants to 'talk' what do I say back?" That's what people say before they trash you. It's happened to me before, many, many tomes.

"Calm down, just text back k. You don't even know what he wants to talk about so don't freak yet."

"I'll text you what he says okay." She nodded as I got my things and left without a goodbye.

I raced over to the house. My heart was beating fast and my hands were sweating. I was trying not to cry but I couldn't control it. As I pulled into this driveway I wiped my eyes and started to breath in and out.

I opened the door and put my keys down. I went into the living room and sat down. They say the second pregnancy is faster than the fist. You get fatter faster and all that other great stuff. I hope I haven't gained any weight yet but I will soon. Harry came out of the room and sat next to me. Here it goes. He grabbed my hand and held onto it.

"You know I love you a lot." He looked down. He was starting to cry.

"Harry what's wrong? Are you breaking up with me?" For what felt like hours but was only a few minutes he didn't say anything. I guess the answer is yes.

I slid my hand out of his and put them behind me and lifted myself off the couch. He stood up and grabbed my arm.

"Ally, I um went to Taylor's and I was drunk, really drunk and we umm."

"Stop." I knew what he was going to say. He slept with her. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't say a word. I felt like my heart shattered.

"It's was a few months ago."

"How many months ago?"

"Three.." He said and looked down at my stomach.

I got up and began to pace around the living room. I knew Taylor wanted him back, that didn't shock me one bit. I had faith in Harry, I had hope that he wouldn't be Zayn. I trusted him to be the guy who wasn't that type of guy.

"Please don't go, It was a mistake. I was drunk and I'm never going to talk or see her again. Please just don't go Ally. Don't leave.."

I tuned him out. I tuned everything out. My sun had just burned out, leaving me in the darkness, with not gravitational pull. I was taken back to the night Zayn cheated on me, how betrayed I felt, how the pain melted into my body, the way my chest hurt every time I took a breath. The reality of love, is that people either break you, or you break them.

"Okay." I said emotionless. My bones felt heavier and my heart weighed tons in my chest. Every beat was a beat of poison.

"I'm so sorry love."

"No, you don't get to say that. You don't get to pretend to be sorry when I know, if you could go back, you'd do it again. I have put up with a lot of your shit, but not this, not this Harry." I put my hands over my face and just cried into them. I should have never gotten pregnant. I was only complicating things.

"What about the baby?"

"I'll raise it with Annabel. I can do it on my own. I'm a very good mother so don't worry. Your just like Zayn." It was true. I found myself in the same situation I was in before. A child without a father.

"No, I'm not like him. We can work pass this. Marry me and we can start fresh. I want to have child with you and raise it together. We'll be a family. "

"Harry, are you smoking crack?"

"No, why?"

"Because your acting crazy. We need time away from each other." He reached out and held onto my hand for dear life.

"I know we've made mistakes and have lost trust but can't we work on it? We haven't come this far to just give up. We can't just forget we cheated but we can move past it and work on our trust. I don't want to lose you, not now. After all we've been through, don't leave Ally." He pulled me into a hug and I contemplated for a second. I didn't hug him back, I'm just so confused. Do you listen to your heart or your head?

"You're breaking my heart love. Tell me you still want to be together, that you still love me." He said, still hugging me. I was breaking his heart? He broke mine! Was he the victim or am I?

"I, I'm sorry Harry.." That was all I could say. I wall falling apart at the seams. I was breaking inside, and I didn't want to think right now. I wanted to just cry until I couldn't anymore.

He pulled away and his hands cupped my face. He looked right into my eyes. The tears were falling from my eyes. When he noticed them, he frowned.

"Don't hate me. I never wanted to do that with her. I am so in love with you and I want you to know that no one is more important to me than you and Nathaniel are. I will never ever cheat or look at any other girl. So please, can we sit and watch some Christmas movies?" He leaned in to kiss me and I immediately thought of how he was with Taylor. Her lips on his, his arms around her, and I felt disgusted.

"I love you Ally, I love you so much. Please believe me." He begged. I just sat on the couch and looked down at my hands. I was so exhausted that my eyes wouldn't open. He said something but I was so tired and dosed off into sleep. I felt a hand on my hip, sliding down to my area. I opened my eyes and I was on our bed. My back was towards Harry's chest and I grabbed his hand.

"You okay there Hare?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Please keep your hands to yourself." I slid his hand off me. Two seconds later he put it right back, his fingers inches away from my area. I pushed his hand off again. He put it back once more but when I tried moving his hand away he used his muscles and fought me.

"I miss us having sex babe." He whisper in my ear. His hand moved over to the edge of my underwear and pulled on it.

"I will cut your hands off with you out them on again." Being pregnant I was crazy horny but just a little while go he told me he slept with Taylor. Gross.

"I don't mind love, don't you want to have some fun?" I turned over, put both my hands on his chest, and pushed him away from me.

"No Harry." I sternly said, and laid back down. I shut my eyes and slowly began drifting off.

"I would never live if you left me." I heard him say as I fell asleep.

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