Chapter 1: The Prologue

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Kat's POV

The pain was unbearable. I clenched my teeth to stop from screaming. I screeched through my teeth as the pain rolled through me. 

Liam held my hand. "It's okay. You'll get through it. Just squeeze my hand.""

I squeezed his hand so hard even he squeaked in pain. 

"Alright, she's crowning!" called one of the doctors. I wailed as I felt my skin breaking. Why had I wanted to do this? Oh, right. Because I wanted a daughter, and this was only a step to having one. 

Another roll of pain passed through me and my vision started to go black at the edges. I cried out again.

"Her head is out. Not much longer," said another. "Push!"

"I'm trying!" I yelled. My back arched as I pushed. Let me tell you. Giving birth hurts just as much as they all say it does. 

Then it was over. I cried out as the pain receded. I sank back against the pillows, tired beyond belief. Liam bent over me. "It's okay."

"A healthy baby girl born at 7:46, July 15, 2025. Tomorrow we'll bring the birth certificate for you to sign," said a doctor. I heard water sloshing and knew my baby was being washed... but I just wanted to hold her.

"It's okay," Liam repeated. 

I smiled weakly. A doctor came over with a small bundle of blankets swaddled around a tiny figure. I gasped when I saw her face. Her blue-green eyes struck me like lightning. Her soft blonde hair fell on the top of her head, not quite reaching mid-forehead. She looked so much like... Like an old friend...

The little girl opened her mouth and started to wail. Well, more like shriek. She had one of the loudest cries I had ever heard from any baby. I took my daughter from the doctor and cradled her in my arms. I pulled some of the fabric away from her tiny face. She grasped my finger and started suckling. 

"You might want to feed her," said a doctor. 

I nodded and did as they asked. Liam put a hand on my shoulder. "What are we going to call her?"

I had already decided on a name. Sure, it was a name that still sent a pang of regret through me, but it was only right we honor her memory. "Her name... Her name will be Rhea..."

"Rhea. I love it," Liam said, kissing my temple. "What now?"

My eyes started to droop. "I just want to sleep. I'm... I'm so tired." 

He nodded and held my hand. "Okay. You sleep. I'll take Rh--" He started to reach over me, but I just held her closer.

"No!" I calmed my breath. "No. I want her with me." He nodded again and sat back down. The doctors were beginning to clear out, leaving only one nurse and one doctor. 

This doctor was a young woman, far too young-looking to be a certified doctor. "Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. My name is Rachel Brown. I'll just be checking in on you every once in a while..." She kept talking, but I started to drift off. 

Rhea lay still and quiet in my arms the whole night. 

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