Chapter 7

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“Alright Bendy, it’s time for me to go back to work.”

“Sure, but before that, can you do me a favor?”

“I guess I can, what is it?”

“Could you shut up and leave?”


“This part’s personal.”

“O-okay then. I’ll be, somewhere.”

He finally leaves.

On with the show!

[With Sammy and Bendy at the Door...]

I’m outside the door and, since seconds pass incredibly slow for me, I told Sammy to stay there while I left for a bit.

“Welp, I’m going somewhere.”

Sammy seemed more bored than surprised.

“And where are you going, my lord?”

I remembered a certain someone I had to take care of.

“Anywhere. Just stay here.”

“I’m pretty sure that healing a human will take more than just a few minutes, my lord. Why exactly should I stay here then?”

I somehow didn’t strangle him again. I think that was only because I wanted to strangle someone else who also deserved it.

“Just in case something happens. I’m just gonna go and finnish some business.”

Sammy sat on the floor close to the entrance. His response was so spontaneous, I was even surprised. I took one last look at the door, Lily would be okay. At least, I hoped so. I started walking until I realized, why am I walking? I own this place. So, I dived in the ink and searched for Henry. When I finally did find the idiot, I could overhear a conversation about where they were. I was bored so I listened.

“Who’s idea was it to go in my office for cassette tapes, again? That was an unnecesary trip down memory lane that ended with me falling in a pit of spikes.”

Man, Henry is always complaining. Nothing has changed at all.

“Hey, at least we got more cassette tapes and I think we’re getting closer to the last one.”


Boris gave this sly look.

“Of corse not. That thing could be anywhere.” Boris said Sarcastically

I tried so hard not to laugh, since when was Boris so sarcastic? I think spending time with Henry is more annoying than I thought.

“Look Henry, there are only two ways out of here. Either you find that cassette tape and escape or, the most probable one, you get stuck here for the rest of your life in an endless loop. Which do you prefer, Henry?”

Henry just got up and sat in a chair. I’m not sure if he was organizing his thoughts or if that’s what he always does to avoid answering a question. I tapped Boris on the shoulder. He turned around and looked straight at me.

He try to whisper "Bendy? What are you doing here?. What do you want now?"

I pointed to Henry. Boris didn’t get it at first.

“What about him? You know, other than the fact that he’s being a total asshole.”

“Well, let’s just say I’m bored. Do you mind?”

“You’re being awfully polite.”

“I’m just in such a fantastic mood, I forgot about my usual don’t-give-a-damn standards.”

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