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⚠️ contains mature themes don't read if you're easily triggered or uncomfortable ⚠️

jung sung chan is my abusive ex boyfriend. 

ww dated before i moved to seoul a year ago. 

we were in a toxic relationship which i trued so hard to get out of and my family decided is the nest for us to move since he wouldn't stop bothering me even after i broke up with him. 

he even used his freezing and heating powers to hurt me.

my parents managed to get him stuck in a boys home but clearly he's out now. 

he's from busan like i am and i never thought he would come here. 

"excuse me mr kim " yangyang raised his hand .

"yes yangyang? " he replied.

"may i and y/n go to the toliet? " he asked and he urged me to follow me.  huh? why me? 

"sure make it fast claas will start soon. " he granted permission. 

yangyang held my hand and as we neared the entrance closer to where sung chan was my heart was beazing out of my chest and i started crying again.  i couldn't control it.  memories of him hitting me filled my mind.

yangyang pulled me inro the janitor's closet which barely fits two people.  he closed the door behind him and when he faced me his face was only centimetres away from mine.

"why are you crying. " he asked seriously.  shit.  i don't want him to be worried.  what do i say? 

"it's really nothing. "answered trying to put on a fake smile. 

"hm you know you're a bad liar right? don't make me use my mind reading powers to find out i feel guilty when i do that " yangyang said as wiped away my tears affectionately. 

ps : you have super speed powers amd yangyang has very fast reflexes and both of y'all have mind reading powers. 

"i'm s-s-c-ared. " i shuttered and hugged him. 

he hugged me back and consoled me while i continued crying for a while. 

"why baby ? of what? " yangyang
asked in a concernd tone. 

"i'm scarwd he'-ll h-h-hurt me. " my voice came out muffled as my head was against his chest. 

"wbo? " he asked as he gently moved my head to face his face. 

"he'll probably hurt me if i tell you. " i sobbed even more. 

"no baby tell me please i'll make sure he doesn't lay a finger on you. " yangyang reassured

i hesitated at first and decided to just tell him. 

"sung chan. " i stammered. 

"jung sung chan? "he asked just to confirm. 

"y-yes. " i said. 

"what did he do to you baby?" his tone more serious now.

"he h-h-urt me. " i stuttered. 

"how baby if you don't saying that is ? " he asked. 

"he hit, slap,  punhh and even used his freezing and heating powers to hurt me. " i said as yangyang's eyes widened. 

"oh my god. just know i'll make sure he doesn't do that to you again okay stop crying. " he reassured with a smile.

"okay. " i said trying to not think of all the horrific things sung chan did to me in the past. 

"good girl ." he said and before i could reply he ataacked my lips.

it was a much needed passionate kiss that lasted for a few minutes.

i pilled away,  blushing and he just smirked.

this man i swear. 

xx cheryl

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