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a few weeks later

i slept over at yamgyang's house that night. we watched Netflix till late at night and fell asleep together.

yangyang wake up earlier than me and he decuded to annoy me by giving me kisses on my neck.

i got fed up and covered my neck with my hands.

he then started kissing me all over my face and it was so cute, but annoying at the same time.

"yah stop. " i said as he continued on. 

"never. "he said continuing.

"stoopppp i wanna sleepppp " i begged.

"sleeping isn't fun." yangyang said with a pout on his face. 

" its 4 in the morning wtf are you doing not askeep? " i asked checking the time on my phone.

"i'm just not sleepy besides i wanna spend more time with you sleeping is boring. " yangyang said. 

"okay fine what do you wanna do? "I asked

"let's tell scary stories. "he suggested and i agreed and decided to go first.

"so me and my dad hsd this appointment in some private clinic and i wanted to go to the toliet snd there was only one toliet in that three floorrd clinic which was in the thrid floor so i deviced to go and omce i reached the thrid floor i just felt uneasy and felt like someone watching me. " i paused to turm  the lights off to set the mood .

"and then i went to toliet and both them of were locked and i was waitimg for a good 10 minutes so i decided to knock and there was no reply.  i decided to look under you know how there's a gap in the bottum of a cubicle and i ran after i saw shadow without any shoes. seriously the creepiest thing and this is true lol. " i said as yangyang eyes widened.

"just a shadow with no shoes babe that's creepy and plus you were alone. " yangyang said.

"i know right okay your turn. " i said turning the lights back on. 

"leave them off mine is super creepy too. "yangyang suggested and i agreed and switched them off. 

"okay this was when i was over at ten's house there was no one home except for us and the maids since ten's parents were overseas. it was about 2:30 am when were playing games and we heard a crash sound coming from downstairs so we decided to go investigate and when we went to kitchen we were shocked to see the once clean kitchen in a absolute mess even the maids were creeped out whem they found out. ' yangyang finished. 

"ouh that's probably a toyol. "i guessed.

"what's a toyol? " yangyang askrd out of curiousity. 

"it's a malayasian ghost baby who likes to mees around and some people actually buy as it brings good fortune or something like that. " i said

"and how do you possibly know that? "yangyang asked. 

"ouh you know i read stuff. " i replied. 

"ouh.  " he nodded

"yea. "

"okay. "

"okay. "

"i love you. " he said all of a sudden.

"that's so random but i love you more. " i replied

"that isn't humanly possible. " yangyang said. 

"bold of you to assume i'm humam ." i teased.

"you're right you're no human you're an angel. " yangyang teased back. 

"then what are you? " i asked laughing. 

"i'm your demon and you're my angel guess they were right opposites do attract " yangyang said and i couldn't see properly in the dark but i knew he was definitely smirking. 

"wait i thought you were daddy yangyang? " i questioned.

"i'm both now come here. " he said and pullled me closer to him. 

"i really love you you know? " yangyang said after a few moments of silence. 

"but me more. " i replied.

"no i'm being serious i really love you and i feel like you're the ome. " he said and he sounded like he was about to cry.

"yea i'm serious too i feel like you're the one too. " i rdplied nuzzling closer to his chest. 

"okay that means you are reserved by me. "  he said while pattimg my head.

"reserved? " i repeated not understanding what he meant. 

"it means you're only meant for me and i'm only meant for you." he explained. 

"ouh so it's like an unofficial engagement? "i asked

"yea i guess you could say that. " yangyang said.

we talked a lot more and somehow fell asleep.

ty for 600+ reads i love y'all uwu 💞💞💞💞

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