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it was another saturday and i was out with yangyang at some arcade with some of our classmates as well. 

i told yangyang i was heading out to get some fresh air, he insisted he would follow but i said i would be fine on own.

and then i left. 

30 minutes later

yangyang's pov :

"where's y/n jennie. "i asked. i checked outside but she wasn't there at all.

"i don't know did you check outside? " jennie asked and i nodded. 

"where could she gone? "lucas chimed in

"come bro let's check outside again . "lucas suggested and i followed him out. 

"see she's not here.  wait what's this? " i saw a note flying on the floor right ouzdide the atcade. 

i picked it up to read it. 

She's mine now, go to the hell - Your worst nightmare. 

"Wtf lucas look at this. "  i passed him the note

"wtf is this meant for you? " lucas asked.

"seems like it. "i replied. 

"who's your worst nightmare then? " lucas asked.

i honestly didn't know

"i don't exactly know. " i said suddenly panicking

"bro don't worry we will find her soon. " lucas noticed me panicking.

where are you baby? 

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