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i smiled when i woke up the next day to see the last message yangyang sent.

he's just so nice and uwu

but also hot and daddy at the same time

i just love him so much okay 🙌


babe ♥ :

Why aren't you in school? 

you 🤠 :

kind of sick-

babe ♥ :

I'm coming over

Fuck school

Who needs an education anyway

get you a man who ditches school for you 🙌

i showered and changed into one of the hoodies i stole from yangyang and some shorts. 

i heard the front door open and made my way downstairs. 

"hey OH GOD YOU LOOK SO CUTE WITH My HOODIE ON YOU COME HERE. " he said and embraced me in a warm comfy hug.

"can you let go of me now i don't want to get sick too " i muffled into his chest. 

"i don't mind getting sick from you ." he said slowly releasing me from his grip. 

"yangyang i actually gotta talk to you about something. " i informed.

"what's up wait let's go upstairs first. " he said as he led me up the stairs.

should i really tell him? 

i don't want him to worry about me.

but i must tell someone right? 

after he closed my room door we sat down on my brd together and he looked at me with his kind eyes. 

"what's up? " he said taking my hands in his. 

"i have been having really bad nightmares and i can't sleep well at night. " i said sughing.

"what kind of nightmares? " he asked. 

"about sungchan kidnapping me. " i said

"ah i see i see. anything else? " he asked.

"i just suddenly break out in sweats for no reason what so ever. " i said.

"those are symptoms of ptsd you know you need to go to the doctor. " he told me.

"does your dad know? " he aaked and i shook my head. 

"well tell him and aak him to bring you to the doctor alright? " he said and i nodded.

we watched some movies ,ate and watched more movies and yangyang left at about 8 pm. 

i'm so lucky to have him

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