Someone New 💚🔏

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How to forget someone." I type tiredly as the whipping winds howl through the night and the serenity of hearing lost souls whispering through the dark, "Find someone new."

The cost of a new lover meant a piece of myself would be sacrificed,
I'd need to learn what it meant to be a lover again,
How to satisfy a new body in a way that I couldn't before,
Know what it means to be lost, confused, and hopeless again,
And understand that life isn't over if it doesn't work out,

I'm a lover's lover,
A lover's lover is someone who loves another and loves for the other,
Being twenty years old is hell because nobody knows what they are meant to do and with who,
Misunderstandings are frequent,
We drink poisonous liquids to make us feel good,
Most of the time- we're high to forget the anxieties inflicted on us from the system,

We're essentially screws up trying to fix the meaning of life,

A life that wasn't made for most of us to live past twenty,

I never knew I could live past twenty,

Skateboarding through the ghostly parking lot,
Falling in love with each bystander that makes eye contact,
Thank you for seeing me today
"My name is Sabrina and I'm a lover's lover,"
I fall in love with people that I have to love and love for-I have depression riding my back and anxiety burning a hole through my stomach,
I'm the Black woman that carries everyone's problems with no room for myself,
Sometimes I can be flirtatious when I'm not rotting, Sometimes I smile so big to ignore my troubles,
And most of the time, my poetry doesn't have a theme,

But each time I meet someone new ... I'm someone new to them even if I'm stuck being myself every time.

They don't know that though and I'm never prepared for when they do.

Artist: Reyna Noriega (Duality)

Hellooooo! I'm here with another poem- this is my current favorite poem because i wrote it late at night and just vented whatever came to mind. I think being in your twenties is such a trying time because you're so unsure of everything and you aren't sure what you should be doing. It's literally a part 2 of your insufferable years as a teenager but the only difference is that you're on your own. But there will be times that you can share those feelings of uncertainty with others and try to make it together. I'm so thankful for the people that are in my life because without them- I'm not sure where I would be. So just hang in there, y'all! Life is hard but the people around you shouldn't make it harder. Always be yourself as well because as an adult, I've learned the importance of what that does. People will love you for you but you just have to find those people. Don't pretend to be someone else because it'll literally ruin you and I know from experience. I'm currently still in the process of opening myself to newer people and taking the risk of being vulnerable in the best way possible. 🤎🤎

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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