Background Check

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"Im gonna rip your head Jimin if I see a single scratch on my baby"

"I will love to see that hah!
Don't worry, the experiment will be in a controlled environment and Tae's gonna be back SOON"





Tae's PoV

I woke up.
Was that a nightmare? What happened?ughhh my head hurts...

"Doctor! Doctor, the patient has woken up."

Wait....A doctor?

Oh my God, I'm alive?!!
I survived!
Wait, my parents, where's hyung? Where are they? I want to see my family but why is everything so black... Why are all the lights off?

At this point I started panicking... I can't see, I CANNOT SEE! WHERE IS MY FAMILY?'

Suddenly a voice ,
"Oh dear! you need to calm down honey!
Nurse bring in the injections, he is having another panic attack"

That made me anxious even more. I wanted to escape and go to my family however firstly I couldn't understand why it was so dark and then I felt four hands forcefully holding me down as the doctor injected me.

Then it all went fine.

After I don't know how long, I heard a conversation going on.

Recognising the same hoarse voice, I instantly knew it was the doctor. He was speaking to someone.

"Son, I don't think your brother will be able to see anything without an operation. Do you think you can afford a new set of eyes?"
I understood that my brother was there, despite wanting to listen to the entire conversation I couldn't help but interfere,

"Chen? What's happening?"

Italics: "Chen"
Normal: Taehyung

"Ohhh!Tae u woke up! Relax ok? It's gonna be alright"

But where is mum and papa?

There was silence again

After waiting desperately for a few secs I could hear only a mumble, a sob...was Chen crying?


Chen just abruptly blurted out "Tae it's just you and me now."

My world broke down into utter darkness when I heard those words. I started shivering however as soon as I felt like I was going to have another attack my brother held me tight. Don't worry Tae. Your big old brother is here, I will be your eyes ( I was told later on that the car's window glass shards had directly struck my eyes)

We are gonna work it out together. And he promised me that he will forever and always take care of me


Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic and I'm really excited...

Thank you for supporting me! Till next time loves🍎

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