Chapter VII: The Imperial Capital (Part I)

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April 23rd 20XX, 2 weeks since the meeting at Kostrad, Somewhere at the Telta-Sadera road. 8 AM.

Iqbal, Supriyadi, and the rest of the 1st Company were sent on a special reconnaissance mission. Actually, all of the 11th and 14th are being sent on a special reconnaissance mission. Unfortunately for Iqbal and the 1st, they were heading for the Imperial Capital, Sadera.

This is troubling of course, they are heading straight towards the lion's den. Which there are 2 lions here, the Empire and the Jietai. Iqbal and his gang will have to be very subtle and stealthy, Indonesia's existence here cannot be known.

Iqbal and the 1st are going there on foot while wearing clothes from what they took at Telnus. They looked like a bunch of traveling hobos, but that's what they aimed for, to conceal their body armor. They bring their disassembled SS2, their Kevlar Helmets, NVGs, grenades, and many more. Concealed, in large rucksacks they each carry.

Though it is their mission, Iqbal and the 1st aren't exactly happy with it. The rest of the 11th and 14th are going somewhere new, but they instead go to the capital. And what's worse, the mission will take them at least 2 weeks there.

"Bah! Why the fuck we're going to the capital?" Said Iqbal complaining and grumbling, the rest were silent but also agreed to Iqbal's complaint.

"Shut it, I don't like it either. But it's our job, like it or not we have to do it. Besides, we're not just doing special recon. We're to establish an outpost there, so suck it up. The Intelligence needs an eye at the capital, the Intelligence only got their intel through intercepting Jietai's transmission quietly and so they need a more direct way to gain intel. WE are assigned to secure areas for them and gain intel while they're still preparing to move out to Sadera. So just shut up, can you all do that?!" Supriyadi responded, he was upset about it as well. But duty always comes first, no matter how much you hated it.

According to the order given by the President, Supriyadi's 1st is to set up three outposts in the capital. 1st platoon is to make an outpost in Akusho, the 2nd is in Etna Harbor, and the 3rd near Elena Hill. 1st Company departed to Sadera separately, as to avoid detection. Iqbal's group was the last to depart, as the rest of the 1st Company have arrived earlier.

After about 2 hours of walking, they finally see the South Gate. To his surprise and the rest, no Imperials were guarding. There are only some thugs, where they extort people by giving those who pass an excessive amount of fee entrance. This is not something surprising, as Iqbal paid the fee for all that goes with him.

Their arrival in the imperial capital could be considered odd, especially since they have been arriving like pacts of animals. However, they are in the red district area. Thus, their arrival would not be known to the Empire. It's a different story if they meet Jietai, they can only hope that Jietai doesn't know about Indonesia's existence in the capital.

The Akusho area is as its name, dangerous. The area is putrid, disgusting. This area is filled with other races and also filled with many crimes. You can see armed thugs wandering around, harassing others. And to show how bad it is, you can expect to see anyone get raped. Actually, Iqbal saw one right now.

His eyes are fixed on an alley in front of him and his group, he saw a half cat half human woman being dragged towards the alley by a group of thugs. As he and his group about to pass the said alley, they can hear moans from there.

"Look away, it's not our problem and not our business." Said Supriyadi commanded in a very low voice, as the rest complied without saying anything. They about to pass the alley, and they began to hear even louder and wilder moans.

It's easy for the Kopassus to ignore such things, as they're also a group of religious people. They're right in front of the alley, and from the corner of the eye, Iqbal saw what he should've not.

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