Oh God It's You: Shigaraki x GN!Reader

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Warnings: Major Character Death/Blood/Swearing
My Hero Manga Spoilers this is your only warning.

21: You're too good for this world
33: Don't leave me behind
19: After everything... I'd still choose you

These type of things weren't supposed to happen, maybe in books but not here. Not in reality. You were a pro-hero and him a villian. Everything about it screamed disaster, but that didn't stop you. Nothing and no one could've stopped you, not even yourself.

It started out as just a mission that you were obligated to follow. Nothing you couldn't handle, you've dealt with much worse. Hawks was originally assigned it but you ended up making a deal with him and that was that. If anyone could complete the mission flawlessly it was you. Some even said you were better than Hawks and unfortunately the commission agreed.

The plan was simple: Get any and all information about the League of Villians. It was going very smoothly maybe too smoothly. Everyone trusted you even Dabi. Eventually you got to meet the boss. Your expectations couldn't have prepared you for the coming events. It started with casually joining for missions with them, then learning plans that were small but then growing to things only Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, and Twice knew.

This is just a mission

You could've said it was going well if you hadn't grown so attached. You adored all of them but those four members grew on you, all of them having their own bond with you. Regardless of how hard you tried to ignore it, even going as far as forcing yourself to hate them, but you just couldn't.

Twice was your best friend in every aspect one should be. If you needed a pick me up he'd be the first to cheer you up with a joke, no matter how terrible it may be. Jin had a way of seeing past someone's faults and finding the gold within you. Never holding back from telling you how treasured you are and why. Sometimes surprising you with a firm hug that felt like home. His presence was intoxicating and just had this way of bringing joy.

Dabi, while he carried himself as an uncaring asshole, he was the furthest from it. He himself would be perceived as the bad influence, but he was the big brother of the group. He did everything you could imagine a brother should. Injured? He'll patch you up in no time. Hungry? Food is already made and it's your favorite. Painful memories getting you? That's what he thrives at, he knows just what'll make you calm down. Whether you need to be held or have someone listen you can always count on him. That doesn't mean he won't have some fun though, he'll take you for a drive. Maybe getting drunk on a rooftop with only the scent of cigarettes present.

Toga, she'll be the friend that would literally die for you. Someone threatening you? You should probably pray they don't get murdered. Sad? Dealing with hard feelings? Toga will be bundled up with you during your emergency movie night. Scared? Her gentle hold will be the peace you never knew you needed. Feeling insecure? Time for a makeover. Whether it's painting your nails or changing your wardrobe, you'll feel radiant afterwards.

Then there was him, Tomura Shigaraki. Where to even begin? At first you were not too fond of him, but eventually you warmed up to him. You couldn't find a reason to not like him. It didn't matter that he was a criminal because he had such a loving affect on people, that was only the start. At first he was, to be blunt, an asshole. It didn't matter what you said or did he'd always follow with harsh words and anger. You were worried that maybe he figured out why you were sent there, only causing you immense pain.

I should be worried about the missions progress not my feelings

Not pain for the reason it should've been, no. Your pain wasn't out of fear of the mission falling apart but the fact that you may never see them again. While you were a highly ranked hero you simply didn't feel appreciated much less loved. Having accomplished so much should've filled you up with pride but it only wounded you. Only a reminder that your only purpose was to be a part of a society that would never change without force.

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