Aizawa x GN!Reader

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"Your left hero!"

Just another day on the job as a hero, another uneventful day with mediocre villians, but that didn't stop the exhaustion. The days seemed to drag on aimlessly lately and all you wanted was a break, a moment to breathe, but the city was bustling with constant crime. Luckily you were paired with your partner during this patrol, as well as your life long friend Present Mic. Their company did seem to make your job easier, not to mention your quirk did have a way of getting the job done more efficiently.

Currently the three of you were fighting a villian with quite the bothersome quirk, the ability to control metal. Continuously he kept throwing metal bars your way that he found at the nearby construction site. Your focus was on dodging the metal and boosting your fellow heroes quirks, but your eyes were beginning to burn a bit too much. Usually you'd bring eye drops or water to ease the pain, but there wasn't even the slightest moment where you could slip away. Aizawa turned towards your direction to discuss the next steps, this had gone on longer than it should've.

"This is tiring. Mic, make that voice of yours go as loud it can go. Y/n give it your all one last time with both our quirks at once. Let's finish this so I can sleep."

Carefully you watched the two of them activate their quirks while you waited for the exact moment for yours, the mission depended on your flawless accuracy. The villian tried throwing metal after metal, but you dodged effortlessly and activated your quirk just at the right moment. Mic's voice immobilized the perpetrator causing him to fall to the ground, and as he did Eraserhead erased his quirk just in time. Aizawa kept him firmly restrained while you took a moment to catch your breath, and finally get a moment to ease your eyes.

Eventually the police came to arrest the criminal while Aizawa filled them in on what had happened. Present Mic stayed behind to fill out the paperwork, urging the both of you to get some rest at home. The police were kind enough to give you a ride to the store near your place, the rest of the walk to the apartment was slow and left you groggy. Both of you were quiet aside from tired groans and random gasps when Aizawa would fall asleep, and almost fell over. Once you made it to the front door both of you fumbled for the keys, which took longer than it should've considering you kept dropping them.

Finally inside both of you flung off your clothes and immediately went to the couch, not even bothering any other responsibilities. Aizawa fell back on the cushions with a thump, and you followed right after, falling face first on his chest.

"Kitten, I love you but we're gonna have to reposition."

You wiggled slightly in attempt to move, but you just groaned in pain before going limp. His arms reached to your back and weakly pat you as his head fell back. All you could respond with was slurred phrases.

"Mmm... s'comfy."

You extended a spare hand to search for his face which landed on his lips. You tapped them gently to ask for affection,he kissed them gingerly, until he licked them that is.

"Ugh Shouta you're nasty!"

Aizawa chuckled with a big teethed grin before sitting up to mess with your hair. He was faced with your tired pouting expression, which was then he realized how bad your eyes looked. They were really red and it didn't help the bags under your eyes were pretty dark. He could've sworn you used eye drops after the fight, but maybe he just was that tired, though when wasn't he. You must've been just as exhausted, if not more, because your face fell on his chest and one of your legs were hanging off the couch.

"Did you use the eye drops after the fight? I thought you did."

Using your elbows you lifted yourself up into a sitting position, you rubbed the back of your head while you yawned. You didn't notice until you were constantly rubbing your eyes to then squeezing them shut from the burning, that it was obvious you needed some extra care. Each attempt you made to keep your eyes open to look at Aizawa only failed. You resorted to holding down your eyelids, while talking to your partner between yawns.

"I did, guess it didn't do the job this time though."

Aizawa gently grabbed you by your hips, pulling your legs around his waist, while he carried you to outside the hall to the bathroom. Switching your hands from your face to around his upper body, you pressed your face against his chest, as to ease your burn while still ensuring you don't fall.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

When you reached the bathroom he sat you on the edge of the sink while he studied your eyes. Once done he turned on the water in the bath to wash his hands with soap, making sure he wouldn't get anything in your eyes.

"I guess I just didn't notice. Plus I was pretty tired, we both were."

He dried off his hands on the nearby hand towel and then turned off the water before getting the supplies.

"I get that but please pay attention more next time."

Tilting your head back he took one last look at your eyes before opening the eye drops.

"You ready?"

You hummed in response as you swallowed dryly in your nervousness, you always hated things near your eye, you'd think having a quirk with your eyes would make it easier. Aizawa stroked your cheek tenderly to calm you for it, he knew all too well how uncomfortable this made you.

"Just two drops okay? Focus on my touch and it'll be over before you know it. Deep breaths."

Doing as he said you took deep breathes while focusing on the sensation of his rough skin. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter while your nails scraped against the wooden underside. He repeated reassurances to soothe you. Continuously telling you how good you were doing and how you'd be able to lay down after. With one eye down he curved his hand under your jaw to caress you, it was his subtle way of saying you were almost done.

"Just one more and we're done. We'll burrow under blankets and sleep with the cats, you'll forget this even happened."

As you held onto those words your grip loosened and your breathing evened out, and before you knew it the worst was over. Your partner lifted your head up and planted a kiss on your forehead.

"How's it feel?"

You smiled back at him and wrapped your arms around his waist as you breathed in his calming scent. He always had an earthy smell to him that was a mixture of dirt, flowers, and of course his brand of coffee.

"It's a bit better, still stings, but not as bad."

He held you close to his chest as he kissed the top of your head.

"Good, now let's get comfy."

You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck as he carried you to the shared room. He laid you on the bed and turned off the lights before curling under the covers with you. Grabbing you gently he pulled you into his arms and exhaled a deep sigh of contentment, both of you were finally relaxed. Well, maybe aside from the heavy feet of several cats walking over the both of you, but it just added more comfort if you were being honest.

"I love you y/n."

Eventually you relaxed in his arms to the point you felt like you were floating. A cat was curled up on your stomach while a cat laid behind each of your backs, the vibration of their purring lulling you to sleep.

"I love you too 'zawa."

The moonlight shining in the room reflected the calm atmosphere of the moment. The only sounds in the room being both of your breathing, sometimes the light snoring of your partner, and the chorus of purring around you. Finally you both got a moment to breathe, to rest, you'd gotten a break you've been eager for  from your rambunctious lifestyle. Even heroes need breaks sometimes.

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