Room For Rent: Bakugou x GN!Reader

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All characters are aged up

Warnings: NonVerbal Episode, Anxiety, Depictions of Mental Illness, Light Swearing

You'd laid in bed for what felt like forever, the only sound reverberating being the ticking of the clock. At times the wind would rattle the windows, the light of your phone illuminating your swollen feature as the only evidence you were alive. Alive? Perhaps, but you couldn't have felt any more nonexistent in this moment. Your husband should've been home by now, but you knew all too well his job could limit your time together. You stayed with him not matter what, you made that promise a long time ago. Although you couldn't help but feel that ever familiar abandonment dig it's talons in you. The loneliness always had a way of dragging you down, sucking you into its gloominess, but you wanted to be a sense of stability for him as he is for everyone else.

If he can do it so can I

But then why does it hurt

Why does it hurt to do it

"Babe I'm home!"

God it hurts

The door clicked shut with sounds of keys accompanied by a heavy piece of clothing being thrown about alerting you he was home. So then why did you shrink under the blankets? Maybe it was guilt, or maybe that shame of your selfish feelings. Still they were there and your body wouldn't let you ignore them.


As his footsteps grew closer you curled up into the fetal position, you wanted nothing more to be alone, yet also craving that caring touch. While his movements usually were harsh and loud, they came about soft and cautious this time. Sure he could tell you were distant lately, no distant isn't the right word, vacant seemed more fitting. Though he couldn't have known the reason you were acting this way, did you even know why? Maybe you had an inkling with those ruminating thoughts paired with the ache in your chest, but still it left you confused. Any attempts to make sense of it by thinking deeper into the issue only left your head throbbing.

"Teddy Bear? What's going on?"

His tall figure loomed over the side of your bed hesitant to do anything just yet. He made sure to keep his breathing steady and calm as to not alarm you. Slowly he knelt down beside your crumpled figure, making sure to keep his hands far from reach. It was his odd tactic of signaling that he meant no harm, he wanted to assure you that you were safe. Searching for any evidence of the cause of this state of yours his eyes scanned you, top to bottom he studied you, but was only left puzzled even more. Carefully, and ever so slowly, he extended his hand to your upper arm in attempt to soothe you. That ever so endearing voice cutting into your static mind.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong, don't be a dumbass y/n."

Although your face was hidden by a heavy blanket you instinctively bit down hard on your lip, squeezing your eyes shut to suppress the tears. No matter how bad you wanted to talk about it your words wouldn't come out, it was as if your vocal chords were ripped right out of you.

Quit being childish

Slowly lifting the blanket blocking your face Katsuki studied your broken expression before you turned away. God had he really been so oblivious to your moods? Was it really just that sudden? It did tend to happen at times, your abrupt mood swings, it wasn't that he couldn't handle it, more so he hardly had time to figure out the reasoning.
You tried your best effort to push through, even just a tiny mumble would suffice, it would still be something. As you went to open your mouth to speak nothing came out, the words were lodged in your throat.

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