Hawks x Male!Reader

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41: "I feel like I can't breathe"
31: "I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you"
46: "What happens if I do this?"

A/N: I saw the list for prompts so I wanted to try this.  Just an angst turned fluff. First fic in like ever honestly I'd I'm being honest.
CW: Angst/Alcohol Use

If someone would've told you meeting one person could change so much, you'd have laughed at them. Yet here you are, in the early hours wondering how it got to this point. This just isn't like you in any actuality but everyone is a victim to life's surprises. Laying in bed with only the light of your phone to comfort you from the rushing thoughts. The cool air combating the ever increasing burn in your chest.

We're just friends

That's all we are

He's happy being friends

Don't ruin a good thing because you're selfish

A choked breath escapes you. Checking your phone one last time before resigning for the night. The brightness only reminding you the burning in your eyes.

Bird Boy🍗: Wow patrol was exhausting today! How was your day?

Bird Boy🍗: Oh I forgot to ask!! Me and Miruko we're gonna get some drinks after patrol tomorrow you in?

Bird Boy🍗: Kid?

It would be rude to ignore him

Like I could even if I wanted to

I've already looked at it if I don't reply he's just gonna worry

Manliest Hero Ever🥵: Sure where at?

Bird Boy🍗: I'll text you details tomorrow. Now get sleep now!

Turning to plug in your phone you curled in bed drifting to sleep. Hoping for a better day. A less painful one.

The following day you were kept busy enough to suppress it all. Thoughts. Feelings. Though one thing never went away, that ever itching hope. It was a cruel thing the universe embedded in you. Almost like it was branded on you.

Waving to nearby fans as you approached with your best fake smile. Posing for photos and signing several items, maybe the occasional arm or hand. Nothing too crazy. Finally managing to escape the crowd you made your way home for a change of clothes. Trying your best to rush home before it would hit you hard. Taking the back way to avoid more unwanted attention.

Finally reaching the door you fumbled with your keys. Desperate to be alone before tonight came. It was bad enough with everything you've been feeling lately but add on time with Hawks? Not just that but in a public setting, that setting being a club too? It reeked of disaster but declining his offer would only raise suspicions.

The moment you reach inside you quickly lock the door up behind you. Before even getting the chance to catch your breath you fall to the floor. Luckily activating your quirk just as you began hyperventilating into choked sobs. Being able to control sound waves had its perks especially in moments like these. The world still moving around you while you remained at full stop. Every sound surrounding continued just not yours, like you never existed. Maybe that's how you preferred it, that's what you tried convincing yourself atleast.

The moment passes to an afterthought, interrupted by your phone. You knew who it was. He's the only one who talks to you this consistently.

Get your shit together y/n you can't do this now

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