Muse: Shigaraki x GN!Reader

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It wasn't that special how you got in the league, wasn't necessarily the fact you wanted revenge at the world, but you just felt welcome there. Like you belonged. It was weird to think that all of it began because a certain blue haired man bumping into you on a cold, rain filled night. So I guess you could say it was a little special or rather eventful way as to how you both met.

Finding out a certain blonde pro hero stomped on your heart after all those years. Many people told you don't even indulge it, that he was playing you and he'd leave you high and dry soon. Never wanting to believe them especially after years went by. 'He'd never leave me we've been together for years. He wouldn't stay if he didn't love me,' that's what you always told yourself no matter what doubts you had. You weren't even a fan of him by any means you just met by chance, it was too good to be true and it was. Constantly being told he'd never marry a quirk less person like you, he could have anyone he wanted.

Unfortunately it turned to be true when you found out he had been cheating for the past year. You found out yourself more or less whether you wanted to or not. That had always been a problem, you were shamefully perceptive and always had a way of uncovering things. It was something that had always stood true for you, but you only left after a year of finding out. The last straw was coming home to hear them together, no not sex. This was worse. He had been telling this person how he cared for you but he couldn't see himself with a quirk less partner.

What did you do? You sat on the couch listening to every dragging, grinding word that came out of his mouth. You'd tried to leave or make a noise to alert them but you couldn't bring yourself to. Only being discovered when they left the room to say goodbye. So when he found out you knew everything you quietly grabbed your stuff and left without saying a word.

That's when the man found you out in an alleyway in the pouring rain, you and all your bags drenched. Ironically enough you were sitting in front of the leagues door. He nearly tripped over you before catching himself, just looking down at you with empty eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Not even looking up for a moment, refusing to end up looking into this strangers eyes just to let the flood gates drown everything.


He just stared hoping you'd eventually move and you'd get the hint. You didn't though. Just staring at the cement with barren eyes.

"Why are you sitting out in the rain anyway?"

His gaze set coldly on your limp dripping form that didn't move no matter how long he stared. What had even happened that you had no other choice but this.

"You know this is a safe haven for villians, no heroes can help you here."

You broke the silence with one word.


His eyes widened bigger than you'd expect with the doom falling down his face immediately. He definitely couldn't leave you here alone in the rain.

"Get up."


Gritting his teeth with a grumble trying not to get irritated considering your predicament.

"You want to come inside or not?"

It took a moment but eventually you got up in an almost slow motion movement. You grabbed your stuff and went inside behind him only looking down at the ground. He showed you to your room where you'd have memories that would last lifetimes.

Two Years Later

It wasn't the best day for you and you knew the exact reason, didn't mean you'd admit it. Your fellow league members Dabi and Toga were laughing amongst each other while you were offered your favorite drink by Kurogiri. Sending that warm expression towards you that never failed to soothe your nerves, he was the closest thing you had to a parent. Odd a villian of all people would cause those feelings, but you never thought of him as a villian.

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