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'What's going on?'

'What am I doing here?'

The blonde girl looked around the dark mist searching for a sign of light. She saw a light in the distance and ran towards it. She walked into a vast space and saw someone. A young boy with long black hair was standing there. The body she was in was moving on its own, making it own decisions.

She was watching a battle going on through the eyes of her vessel. To be precise, her twin brother Naruto. He didn't know she existed, she had been trapped inside his head her whole life. Sometimes she would watch through his eyes when he went to the academy. Even though he didn't really pay any attention to Iruka-sensei, she would listen, trying to learn as much as possible since she couldn't go to these classes on her own.

But something was different, way different. This wasn't his chakra he was using, but the demons. She tried to figure out what was going on, when she remembered an important debate she was having with herself. Why was she awake and coherent? The last thing she remembered was blacking out when Naruto was 8. She had been lying dormant in the back of Naruto's mind for years because she made both him and her weak. Sharing a body with your brother tended to drain a lot of energy.

She watched the battle drag on, catching a glimpse of an ebony haired boy lying on the ground. Was that that brat who always gave Naruto problems on the playground?! When she gets out of here she's gonna ring that stupid kids neck! 'If she gets out of here' She thought to herself, remembering she was trapped inside his head.

Suddenly, she felt his body calm down and revert back to his usual chakra. She peered out of his eyes again to see Naruto charging at the boy, the intention to kill. But then like that, he was gone. She could tell Naruto was just as confused, his brainwaves were a direct indication. Naruto ran out of this house of mirrors and looked towards a silver haired man with his hand through the black-haired boys chest. The boy had killed himself protecting the other man.

This was all confusing for the girl, so she just decided to wander throughout her brothers head. She wandered into the chamber of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the water splashing as she walked towards the cage. He growled delightedly at the sounds of her footsteps approaching.

"What brings you here little girl?" He asked, a bemused tone to his raspy voice.

She just quietly shrugged her shoulders, refusing to speak due to her fears of Naruto hearing her.

"Still as quiet as ever, and you call yourself an Uzumaki?" He stated with a sly look in his eyes. She glared daggers at him, fists clenching. She quickly turned around and walked back towards her 'viewing window'.

They weren't on that battlefield anymore, but walking down a long road, probably headed towards Konoha. Naruto was, as per usual, being an idiot. He was trying to take on the ebony haired kid for some reason. The pinkette was trying to stop the two morons and the silver-haired man paid absolutely no attention to them, continuing to walk without them with his head buried in a book. Naruto quickly lost their quarrel, but instead of staying down, he got up and tried going at him again!

"KNOCK IT OFF YOU BAKA!" She screamed, quickly covering her mouth realizing what she just did.

"W-who's there?" Naruto called out, causing the pinkette and the other brat to look at him like he was crazy in the head. She couldn't help but laugh at this hilarious scene.

"Now it's laughing at me!" Naruto yelled, this time getting the attention of the silver-haired ninja.

"Who's laughing at you, Naruto?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The voice in my head!" He yelled out, the silver-haired ninja sweat-dropped. The others looked like that had just witnessed him run into a glass door. She was literately rolling on the floor laughing at that point.

"Kakashi-sensei, its mocking me, make it stop." The blonde boy pleaded to the silver-haired man.

"Don't worry Naruto, I'm gonna take you to see a special doctor when we get back." Kakashi said worriedly.

"What kind of doctor?!" Naruto asked excitedly.

"One that's gonna shrink your head." The emo voice behind them said. Naruto got a worried look in his eye and lunged forward toward Kakashi, latching himself onto his leg.

"I don't wanna get my head shrunk Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto wailed. Kakashi sighed and then proceeded to peel the boy off his leg, leaving him sprawled out on the dirt ground.

"If you are quiet until we get back, I will treat you to ramen." Kakashi said solemnly. 'That was cold, nailing Naruto in his weak spot.' The girl thought to herself.

"Absolutely Kakashi-sensei! I'm gonna get ramen! I wi-" Naruto was cut off from his rant when the Sensei placed his hand over his mouth.

"Starting now." He said before continuing down the road as the three followed quietly behind.


They walked for what seemed like hours until they finally reached Konoha. The girl 'listened' (**cough cough** eavesdrop**cough cough**) She learned that his two companions were named Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. She didn't know why but something about that Uchiha kid irked her, to the point where she just wanted to kick the crap out of him. But the girl was worse, she was a freaking fangirl from hell.

After they ate, Naruto went back home, readied himself for sleep, and then began to crawl into his bed when she decided to make her presense known.

"Hey Naruto." She said, his head shooting up.

"Who's there?" He asked, looking around for an enemy attacker.

"Don't get your panties in a knot, kid." She said, causing Naruto to look confused, then get pissy.

"I don't wear panties!" He yelled. She sweat-dropped, had no one taught this poor kid sarcasm.

"Suuure...." She drawled out, causing to look confused, again, not catching her sarcasm.

"Who are you anyway?" He asked curiously.

"Emiko, your twin sister."

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