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I woke up for another day of school. I checked my phone and saw what day it was: 1/07, the day before my birthday. I sighed, dreading to meet or even know who my soulmate is.

I got dressed in a hoodie with a tank top under and skinny jeans with converse and brushed my hair. I tied it up in a ponytail and did light makeup and lastly my glasses. My glasses were dark blue and made me look somewhat nerdy but I didn't care.

After getting ready I headed downstairs and ate breakfast. "Hey sweetie, how'd you sleep?" My mom asked as she handed me my backpack.

"Good." I smiled and hugged her. "I gotta go, love you mom!" I waved and ran out.

I walked to school and ran up to my friends. "hey Y/N!" My best friend, Sakura smiled. She's from Japan. Her dad is Japan and her mom is Korean so she knows both. She had dark red hair and a cute shape. She usually wears leggings with hoodies.

"Hey." I waved and they hugged me. "Where's Misun and Moon?" I asked as I looked around.

Misun is my first friend. We met in kindergarten and we've known each other since. She is skinny and doesn't really have much on her chest or butt. Her soulmate is a girl who happened to be our friend Moon.

Moon was introduce to me during dance class. We became really close. She has short blond hair and really bright blue eyes. She has a great personality.

Moon is 16, Misun is 15 and me and Sakura is 14.

"She's probably with her girlfriend, making out somewhere." Sakura shrugged and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "It's just me and you N/N~."

I chuckled and looked up at her, "yeah hopefully they don't get caught."

"They'll be fine. Anyways what are we gonna do for your birthday!?" She said excited.

"I'll probably just watch anime and eat cake." I shrugged.

"No~!" She whined, "ya know what? You've got an amazing body and we have never been to a party, let's go party!"

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Fine, then atleast come to my house we'll invite everyone and we'll have a slumber party." She pouted and gave me big eyes.

I laughed a little and nodded, "okay. After school we'll have a slumber party at your house."

"Yay!" She smiled and grabbed my hand. "Let's go class is about to start."

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