Chapter 6:

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We walked hand in hand to the arcade. It wasn't even weird or awkward, it felt like I can be around him forever. I told him about myself and what I did yesterday and he told me about himself.

I guess he would make a good friend. I don't know about boyfriend. I mean he's the most popular guy in school and I'm just the nerd.

"So why?" I asked as I let go of his hand and walked backwards, looking at him in the eyes.

"Why what?"

"Why are you, the most popular guy in school, hanging out with someone like me? A nerd?"

"Because yesterday I found out your my soulmate." He said not breaking contact with me. I blushed and turned around. I felt him grab my hand and I turned to him. "The real question is: would you like to be my soulmate?"

I bit my lip, "I don't know you very well so until I get to know you better, we'll just have to be friends." I smiled and he nodded.

We got to the arcade and had a pretty good time. I beat Jimin at almost every game. I was playing one of my favorite games when Jimin disappeared.

Once I beat it and counted how many tickets I have now. I walked to the ticket master and looked at all the prizes. I have a total of 200 tickets. I saw an adorable sketch book and decided to get it. I've been meaning to get a new one anyways.

He handed it to me and I put it in my backpack. I still couldn't see Jimin so I decided to look for him. I walked close to the back where the claw machines were and heard the annoying voice of Mini.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head towards her. There she was flirting with Jimin. I don't know why but I felt my blood boil. I walked up to them and pushed Mini away.

"Oh look the nerd decided to-" she gasped when she watched me smash my lips onto Jimin's. This is probably the worse thing to do but Mini got pissed and stomped away.

I pulled away and hid my face which was blushing like crazy. "What was that?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I- I don't know.." I bit my lip and looked back to him. "I think I was jealous?" I rubbed my neck.

He chuckled and smiled at me, "can we do it again?" I noticed the deep blush on his cheeks.

"..Let's just go get something to eat." I hesitated and he laughed a little.

"Alright well I won this for you before Mini saw me." He smiled and handed me my favorite stuffed animal.

"Wow thanks! This is my favorite animal." I smiled and held it close to me.

"Now, wanna go to my favorite cafe?" He smiled and I nodded.

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