Chapter 3:

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I turned around to see Jungkook. He had a soft smile as he looked at me.

"Um yes?" I raised a brow and moved my hair out of my eyes.

"Would you like to come eat with us?"

I froze and looked back at my friends. They nodded in approval. I turned back to him and nodded shyly.

"Great!" He smiled and grabbed my hand. I grabbed my bag and be dragged me through the cafeteria. I could feel the glairs of jealousy and hatred watching me. I blushed and when we got to the table I sat next to Jimin.

I looked down at my lap and I felt him smile at me. "Hello are you Y/N?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I nodded and looked over at him.

"Nice to meet you I'm Jimin." He smiled and we shook hands. "What's that on your wrist?"

My eyes went wide and I immediately hid my hand behind my back. "Nothing." I said quickly.

"Well Y/N, I'm Hoseok." A boy with a bright smile said. I smiled and waved.

"I'm Namjoon. The one sleeping is Yoongi." A boy with dimples smiled.

"I'm Taehyung." The one with a box smile said.

"Of course you know me
Y/N-ah!" Jungkook smiled and put his arms on my shoulders. I nodded.

"I'm Jin." Someone with brod shoulders smiled.

"It's nice to meet you all." I smiled and felt my cheeks burn as I noticed Jimin was looking at me plus Jungkook's arm on my shoulders weren't helping.

"So why did you have smoothie on you yesterday?" Jimin asked.

Why is he asking? Are they just sitting with me out of pity!? I sighed and moved my hair, "Mini and Dallia have been torturing me for years." I said and looked down at my lap.

"Do you know why?" Namjoon asked with a worried look.

I shook my head and continued looking at my lap. "Well as long as we're here she won't bother you anymore." Jimin said with his eye smile. I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart beat faster.

I nodded and the bell rang. I said bye and left quickly. I ran up to my friends and hugged them tightly.

"Oh my god! I could sworn my heart was going to explode!" I breathed out and the rest laughed.

"So tell us what happened." Misun said.

I told them everything as we got to class. "So I'll pick you up after dance class and we'll go somewhere awesome for your birthday. Sound good?" Sakura said as we got to my class. I nodded and we hugged before going.

Time Skip

At the end of school I walked out of class and felt someone put their arm on my shoulders. I jumped and looked up to see Jimin!

"Mind if I walk you home?" He asked with his smile.

"I'm not going home." I said quietly and he tilted his head.

"Then where are you going?" He asked me.

"I'm..going to dance class.." I mumbled.

"Woah you dance!?" He said shocked and I nodded shyly in reply. "Can I come?"

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