Chapter 15:

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After Sakura's trial she actually got free. Thank God for lawyers. It's a few days till her birthday and we're all so excited to see her soulmate. We decided to throw a surprise party. Jin will distract her by taking her to her favorite dessert place and the rest will begin decorations.

We all sat at lunch discussing the details of Sakura's party, she wasn't here today due to being expelled.

"So Jin your going to take her to Kim's Delights, it's her favorite dessert shop. Misun you'll hide the presents. Moon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon are getting the decorations. And Namjoon try not to break them." I said in a serious tone, Makin everyone laugh. "Everyone else is on cleaning duty."

"I won't break them." Namjoon pouted.

"The first day you came to my house you broke my case." I raised a brow and he chuckled.

"I bought you a new one."

"Then you broke that one." I laughed remembering the memory of him pulling a vase out of the box but it was shattered.

"The last one I bought didn't break." He seemed to be pouting as everyone laughed.

"Yeah, but still." I shrugged and laid my head on Jimin's chest. My gaze went to Mini who had a broken nose and her bruises were yellow. She looked at me and glaired before walking away.

Time Skip

It's the day of the party, Sakura is hiding her tattoo so it could be a surprise. Jin took her out and everyone began on their tasks. I blasted (favorite k pop artist) and we jammed out as we cleaned Jin's house.

His house was already pretty clean but we still continued. Namjoon and the others came back quickly with the things we needed. We got black and pink streamers, pink and purple balloons, chocolate cake batter with white icing, candies for the cake, candles, and for dinner Onigiri and Yakitori. It's Sakura's favorite childhood dish.

The boys began to put up the decorations as me, Misun and Moon worked on dinner and the cake. "Do you think she'd be surprised?" Moon asked.

"Yeah, I bet she'd cry from happiness." I smiled and continued the batter for the cake.

"Y/N, Namjoon did it again!" Jimin shouted and I walked in.

"What broke this time?" I groaned. As I walked in I saw the blue vase she painted as a child shattered. "Do you have an attraction to vases or something?" I raised a brow.

"I'm sorry-" I cut him off.

"You're lucky she hates that vase." I sighed and went back into the kitchen. "Clean up the mess please."

We continued with what was needed to be done. Misun put cute little cat faces on the rice balls and I put the finishing decorations on the cake. I put her two favorite colors as icing, pink and purple, and used the candies on the outer edge. I put the numbers 15 in candles on the cake right above the words 'Happy Birthday' that was written in black cursive.

Right when we finished setting the table with 11 plates with Onigiri and Yakitori and in the middle of the table is the cake. The door opened and we immediately got ready to greet the guest of honor!

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