Chapter 4:

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"N-no you can't- I.." I was trying to think of an excuse.

"Too late I'm taking you." He smiled and all I could do was look down embarrassed.

We walked side by side with his hand in mine to my studio. He was actually really nice. He got no jams though. He did flirt a little which made me blush a hella lot.

"So when's your birthday?" He asked as I kept trying to keep my sleeve down so he didn't see the mark.

"It's today." I mumbled and he smiled.

"Really? My soulmates birthday is today too." He swung my arm happily.

"Cool." I smiled nervously and he stopped at the studio. "Well I gotta go.."

"Wait Y/N." He was suddenly serious. "Why do you hide your wrist?" He asked as he pulled me into his chest.

"I um.." I tried to think of something.

"Y/N I know you're-" before he could finish someone opened the doors and smiled at me.

"Y/N! Happy birthday!" Huening, my friend from dance class, ran to me and pulled me from Jimin and hugged me tightly. I giggled and hugged back and he kissed my nose playfully. "Who's your soulmate is it me?"

"No Huening you already know your soulmate," I laughed and Jimin I could tell he was glaring at him. "And if she found out you just kissed my nose, she'll have your ass." I scolded.

"Oh come on, I can't help it it's too cute not to kiss." He chuckled and kissed my nose again.

Jimin cleared his throat and I looked back to him. "Oh right, bye Jimin I'll see you tomorrow! Thanks for walking me here!" I smiled and Huening waved before picking me up. "Yah I'm in a skirt dumbass!" I shouted and he took me into the studio.

"Change so we could practice.' he ordered and handed me my clothes I practice in.

"Yes sir." I nodded and took the clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed into a pair of spandex and sports bra.

Time Skip

After practice I changed back and said bye to Huening. My amazing friends were outside for me because I hated walking alone in the dark.

As we walked we talked about our plans for this weekend. "Y/N do you jave any plans?" Sakura asked.

"Nope only thing I have planned was having a sleep over with yall." I shrugged and before I they could respond I ran into a hard hear. "Yah!" I closed my eyes and braced for impact with the ground which never came.

"Sorry Y/N." Jimin smiled and I blushed lighting. I noticed him holding a box. I backed up and wiped the dirt off me, if there was any.

"Oh it's fine." I muttered and he handed me a box.

I tilted my head a little confused. "It's a birthday present, took me a while to find something that reminds me of you because your so unique." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks." I gently took the box.

"This is sweet and all but we gotta go. Bye Jimin." Moon said and pulled me into Sakura's house.

"Open it." Misun said as we set the box down.

The others began to chant "open it" over and over again, making me laugh.

"Okay okay."

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