Chapter 10:

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I was in the bathroom trying to get the stupid coffee from my hair. I had to take off my jacket and throw my glasses away since they were shattered.

I groaned and changed out of my outfit and into a clean one that I brought. I brushed the coffee out of my hair the best I could. I put it up in a ponytail as took a deep breath and walked out.

I was greeted by everyone. I smiled at them and I was pulled into a hug. I landed in Jimin's chest making me blush and my heart increase.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Your glasses are shattered!" Moon gasped and hugged me.

"Yeah I know, I guess I have to go to my eye doctor tomorrow to get new ones." I sighed and the bell rang.

"I'll see you later." Jimin smiled and kissed my forehead making my cheeks heat up.

I walked to my next class and told my teacher about my glasses. She let me sit in the front next to Chanyeol. It was still kinda difficult to see the board but I could still write my notes.

"Pst," Chanyeol said, tapping my shoulder. I turned to him and he smiled. "Hi your Y/N right?" He asked and I noticed the tattoo on his wrist. It said Dallia in pretty cursive. I nodded to his question and he smiled more, "I'm Chanyeol, what happened to your glasses?"

"Your soulmate broke them." I said and turned towards to door.

"Oh I'm sorry. Dallia is Mini's step sister and she's forced to do whatever she says." I could hear the lies in his voice.

"BS." I sighed and he growled a little. I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

Finally class ended and I sped out before anyone could make fun or talk to me. Jimin cought up to me and grabbed my hand.

"I'll take you home." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. He grabbed my hand which made butterflies stir in my stomach. Why was I feeling this?

Once I got home i waved goodbye and told my mom about my glasses.

"Well I'll drive you to the eye doctor it's about time you get another check up." She smiled and I thanked her.

I went into my room and took a shower. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a comfortable hoodie and sweats.

I laid on my bed with my legs hanging off the table and got onto my phone. I got a text from Jimin! I felt a smile spread on my face as I read his texts.

Secret Soulmate 💜:

Secret Soulmate 💜: Hey!

Me: Hey dork

Secret Soulmate 💜: That's not nice -_-

Me: Ik :)

Secret Soulmate 💜: Your mean

Me: You love me :3

It was silent for a while and I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart speed. Why did I say that? I chewed my cheek to the point where i was bleeding but i ignore it. Finally my phone dinged and I blushed deeply at the message.

Secret Soulmate 💜:

Secret Soulmate 💜: I do, do you love me back?

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